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The Beacon of The STone InduSTry
Colonial Marble and Granite: Using Quote Countertops and Digital Technology to Drive Sales and Efficiency
Larry M Hood
Peter J. Marcucci
Photos Courtesy Colonial Marble and Quote Countertops
Over the last several years, the Slippery Rock Gazette has reviewed apps and
digital tech devices developed specifically for the stone indus- try. Our conclusion: there are many great options available. So: how do you choose what fits your shop? The Slippery Rock Gazette talked to Colonial Marble andGraniteaboutitsexperience being an early adopter of digital technology, and their experience using Quote Countertops.
Founded in 2006, Colonial has its corporate and fabrica- tion location in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and three show- room/slab yard locations in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and New Castle, Delaware. Colonial Marble and Granite serves a diverse market which includes both retail and commercial, and covers the entire state of Philadelphia, Delaware, New Jersey, and the southern boroughs
of New York. The company addi- tionally serves the Maryland mar- ket north of Baltimore, and will be expanding in to the Washington D.C. market with a showroom/ slab yard in the near future. They produce 50 to 120 countertops per day, and employ from 230 to 300 plus team members.
Representing Colonial Marble and Granite in our conversa- tion is Owner-President, Nikos Papadopoulos, and Senior Vice President of Marketing, Sales and Design, Sandra Phillips. Representing Quote Countertops is COO/ Managing Partner, Frank Sciarrino, and Chief Sales Officer, Stephen Fiumara.
SRG: Why and when did you decide to try Quote Countertops software?
Nikos Papadopoulos: About eight years ago, we started to look for different tools that cre- ate engagement with customers. When we looked at the Quote Countertops tool, what it offered
Colonial Marble and Granite uses the unique tools in Quote Countertops to engage customers, enhance their shopping experience, and get them into their showrooms and satellite locations.
auguST 2022 Volume 28-08
seemed a good choice to support our marketing efforts, initially all online. We wanted the ability to have the customer in the driver’s seat, and to create a conversion online that helped the customer
go through an expectation in the sales process, almost as if they’re a designer browsing our website. We needed two func- tionalities: one being the estima- tion and quoting process, and the other was to really take (custom- ers) through a visualization jour- ney, creating a visual experience for them, which was a new con- cept in the market place.
What was really unique about it was that it allowed businesses like ours to create a model and a template that really catered to
us. We could showcase what we wanted to showcase, and cre- ate a price point for transparency online, which in the beginning I was a little skeptical about. But there’s a benefit to honesty. By putting a price point out there, we were able to see instant success through a tool that showcased our products. So, as we got to see it work, it was almost instantaneous success for our sales reps, and our business, and a real boost to our business’s exposure online.
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Go to the Masters with BBI and Integra
BBIndustries and Integra an- nounce a special promo- tion. Now through the end of 2022, fabricators can be entered in a draw- ing for one of two tickets to attend the 2023 Masters Golf Tournament, to be held April 2023 on its tradi- tional home course in Augusta,
For every case of Integra adhe- sive purchased, participants earn an entry in the drawing. “Going to the Masters is on a lot of guy’s bucket list,” says Jeff Dykstra, BBI VP of Revenue Operations. “There are a very limited number of Competition Day passes available.”
Case purchases qualifying for the drawing will be valid from June 15,
2022 through December 31, 2022. A Masters ticket and accommo- dations are included with winning selections, according to Dykstra. “Two winners will be announced at our Third Annual TISE party in February, 2023.” Complete details are available at www. .
Since its beginning in 1994, BBI’s philosophy has been to offer the
best customer service and the best value for the money. This is accom- plished by delivering exceptional products and first-class service to our partners in the stone, tile, and concrete industries. For more info, visit, and BBIndustriesLLC on social chan- nels LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and USA.
Integra Adhesives manufactures innovative adhesive products for Solid Surface, Quartz Surfaces, Natural Stone and Composites. Based in Durham, North Carolina, Integra is part of IPS Adhesives’ fam- ily of brands. For more information visit .