Page 28 - Demo
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28|August 2022
slippery rock gAzette
could go a long way toward produc- ing a better outcome for the custom- ers and ultimately a better long-term confidence in the interior design process, where the use of natural stone is concerned.
Q: What do you like most about what you do?
A: First, I absolutely love the peo- ple! I have met so many amaz- ing people from all over the globe through my work in the stone busi- ness, followed by the diversity of projects.
Whether my customers know it or not, I benefit greatly from the input they share with me on their experi- ences. I have been doing this for a long time now, and yet I still seem to learn something new quite often. One thing about dealing with natu- ral stone products, nothing is always exactly the same. Nature and mil- lions of years always seem to be able to throw you a curve ball, so the key is lots of batting practice.
As always, and before beginning any new project, I recommend sub- mitting a test area to confirm the results and the procedure, prior to starting a stone or hard surface res- toration/maintenance project. Also, the best way to help ensure success is by partnering with a good distrib- utor, like BB Industries, that knows the business. They can help with technical support, product purchase decisions, logistics, and other perti- nent project information.
Bob Murrell has worked in the natural stone industry for over 40 years and is well known for his expertise in natural stone, tile and decorative concrete resto- ration and maintenance. He helped develop some of the main products and processes which revolution- ized the industry, and is currently the Director of Operations for M3 Technologies.
The KMP van makes a great billboard!
   Stone Restoration and Maintenance Corner
Interview With a Restoration Contractor
such a highly skilled and demanding profession.
Q: Do you work mostly residential or commer- cial projects, and which do you prefer?
A: I actually do quite a bit of both, and each have their pros and cons. Commercial restoration sometimes offers the opportunity to be part of historic renova- tions, which I always enjoy very much.
Q: Do you feel your pric- ing is on par with compet- itors and similar trades? A: Well, that’s an inter- esting question. One of my most memorable
moments was being on a residen- tial job, restoring a kitchen counter- top, when a plumber came and went inside of an hour and charged the customer $290 to unclog a toilet. I thought to myself, I might be in the wrong business...
Q: How do you market KMP?
A: Honestly, I let a wonderful lady named Debbie Shaw and her amaz- ing team at SurpHaces handle my internet presence and I handle customer satisfaction. Word–of– mouth, and of course my KMP van, take care of the rest.
Q: What do most of your clients need help with?
A: Hands down, education. Most homeowners have not been given or read the care instructions for the surfaces in their home. So, most of my work consists of hitting a reset button on fairly new installations of marble counters and floors. I am very adamant on the front end about stone care on the backside being the key to not having me back.
Q: What would you do differently, if you could?
A: If it were possible, to do a lit- tle consulting work on the front end with interior designers. I think it
 This month, I am sitting down with Julie Murrell, the owner –operator of Knoxville Marble Polish. Julie, who also happens to be my wife of almost 30 years, has been success- fully operating KMP as a female- owned business for many years now. I do consult and occasionally help on projects that require addi- tional expertise (or simply put, man- power). Of course, consulting is part of what I do with all of my M3 con- tractor customers, on a daily basis.
As many of you know, I have been in the thick of this business (fabrication, restoration, and con- crete work) for over 40 years. I worked on everything from the sales of small and large equipment, diamond tooling, chemical products and accessories to teaching one of the most popular and longest-run- ning training schools at the old VIC International Corp. I taught thou- sands of students over many, many years. I also grew up with all of the old guard in this business like Dr. Fred Hueston, the Donatellis, sev- eral Italian manufacturer experts, and many who are no longer with us.
So when I started dabbling in the restoration of natural stone, ter- razzo, and concrete on the side, I was initially just trying to earn extra money on the weekends to get a Mustang, Sea Ray boat or some other material thing that always seemed just out of my financial reach. It was during this time that Julie started helping me. She soaked up my technical knowledge, sales- manship, and most importantly, confidence, like a sponge. This con- fidence is especially key for success in this and many other businesses. She also had something I didn’t— a great eye for detail.
Julie was always the one to make sure that KMP went well above and beyond the minimum scope of work. For example, if the surround- ing area was dirty in a kitchen, and after refinishing and sealing a coun- tertop, Julie would clean the stove, backsplash, and any other surfaces nearby that weren’t part of the scope of work specified in the contract. She would always leave a project in extra pristine condition, which gave
Bob Murrell
M3 Technologies
Photos by Bob Murrell
her an excellent reputation with her clients, from day one.
That’s how Julie came to this business of restoration and she has been doing it, quite successfully now, for at least 20 years. She is very smart and totally dedicated to her work. Some locals have even given her the title of “the Marble Whisperer.”
So, let’s find out what she feels enables her to be so successful, in
ManyKMPprojectsareupscale and can be quite interesting.
   The job enables Julie Murrell to meet new and interesting people— and sometimes other things!
        Doing whatever the job requires. In this case, cutting off carpet tack strip nails embedded in terrazzo.

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