Featured in this issue
DEPARTMENTS: Industry Spotlight
Living and Working with Stone: Maine Artist Mark Herrington,
by Peter Marcucci
Braxton-Bragg Named Preferred Partner of FLEX for Stone Industry
Flex Tools: Origins of an Industry Influencer, by Larry Hood
Phenix Rising Over Jefferson City, by Codiak San Herrell
Training, Health and Education Sponsored by Braxton-Bragg
Do Engineered Countertops Stain? by Karin Kirk
Waste is a Waste… of Time, Effort and Money, by Ed Hill
Industry Topics, Tips and Regulars
Thermal Forming Quartz Slabs for Fun and Profit, by Brian Brutting
The Stone Detective, by Frederick M. Hueston
The Blower Brigades, by Sam Venable
What’s Next?, by Sharon Koehler
Restoration Corner, by Bob Murrell
Stone and Tile Industry News
Stone Fabricators Gather at LPI for Digital Templating Open House
Braxton-Bragg Sponsors Summer Fun for Special Needs Adults at Helping Hands Camp
SaMoTer 2020: Entries Now Open for 23rd Innovation Awards
StonExpo México Premiers at Obra Blanco Expo 2019
NTCA Five-Star Summer Meeting Offers Education and Connections
The Lighter Side
Let the Buyer Beware in Tamarac
Yes, Walmart Shunning is a Thing
Welcome to the Tinfoil Hat Society