INDEX: April 2016
April 2016 Issue Features
Braxton-Bragg Offers Reduced Price on Stone Pro Seam Machine to MIA Members
Northwood Machine Introduces Robotic Saw-Jet to Captivated Stone Expo Audience, by Peter Marcucci
I’ll Take an Island – Hold the Water!, by Jodi Wallace
A Town Hall Meeting, by Sharon Koehler
The Publisher’s Pen, by Rich Hassert
Tom Schlough Receives Migliore Award for Lifetime Achievement
Varmint County, by Boomer Winfrey
The Stone Detective, by Frederick M. Hueston
Why Didn’t We Think of This, Before?
Majestic Stone Polishing Compound, by Bob Murrell
Jim Braden, Inventor of the Mighty Stone Saw is Remembered
Women in Stone Announces New Webinar Scholarship
The Golden Rules of April Fools
Twelve Great Installation Tools Every Shop Should Have, by Peter Marcucci
Regis Studney Named 2015 Natural Stone Craftsman of the Year
Pennsylvania Shoplifting Suspect Steals Patrol Car
Stone Restoration and Maintenance Corner, by Bob Murrell
Mastodon Bones Discovered Under Benny the Beaver’s Turf
Everything Old is New Again, by Shannon B. Carey
Suzanne Marzullo Receives 2015 MIA Natural Stone Scholarship Award
Technology Review: The Sasso K600 5-Axis CNC Saw Is a Game-Changer, by Mark Lauzon
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