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Slippery Rock Gazette
January 2024 | 5
Natural Stone Catalogue
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This catalogue is a collection of images and material details to help buyers identify appropriate natural stone materials for their projects.
Developed by the North American Quarry Advocacy Group. Powered by the Natural Stone Institute.
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Industry Calendar of Events
January 2024
The International Surface Event (TISE) | StonExpo
When: January 24-26, 2024
Where: Las Vegas, Nevada
Visit for information and to register.
C: Next 2024, Sponsored by Cosentino
When: January 30, 2024 to February 3, 2024
Where: Los Cabos, Mexico
Visit for information and to register.
February 2024
ISFA: C: Next 2024,
When: Thursday, Feb 1, 2024 to Saturday, Feb. 3
Where: Los Cabos, Mexico
Visit for information and to register.
When: Tuesday, February 27, to Thursday, February29, 2024 Where: Orlando, Florida
Visit for more information and to register.
March 2024
Women In Stone’s Block Talk: Work/Life Balance
When: Tuesday, March 19, 2pm to 3pm
Where: Zoom Presentation
Visit for more information.
Other regional and online event opportunities are available through the industry association websites listed above.
Focus on Safety Education
NSI to Present Live Silica & Slab Safety Certificate Session at StonExpo
The International Surface Event (TISE): SURFACES | StonExpo | TileExpo is the largest North American Surface Event and has served nearly 30 years as an industry marketplace for floor covering, stone, and tile businesses to come together, seek prod- ucts and services, build relationships, and develop their businesses. For more infor- mation, please visit www.intlsurfaceevent. com. To view the sponsors of TISE, visit the industry association page on the event website.
StonExpo, the event for discovering stone, natural stone, stone cutting equip- ment, tools, and machinery in North America, is a mega event underneath The International Surface Event (TISE) brand- ing and is sponsored by the Natural Stone Institute and the Natural Stone Council. Your ticket to TISE provides you access to the full StonExpo exhibit hall, features, and resources.
“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particu- lar man made New Year res- olutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do noth- ing effective.”
— Gilbert K. Chesterton
The Natural Stone Institute will present a live version of their new Silica & Slab Safety Certificate on Tuesday, January 23 from 1:00pm-5:00pm at StonExpo at TISE in Las Vegas.
During this session, attendees will learn the key components of a stone fabrication safety
program and gain insights into safe slab handling and reducing exposure to respi- rable crystalline silica (RCS). Fabrication shop owners, safety managers, and other key employees will leave with the tools needed to improve workplace safety, main- tain OSHA compliance, and train employ- ees to ensure a safe and secure work environment for the entire team. This four- hour session offers stone professionals
a way to earn the Silica & Slab Safety Certificate in a reduced amount of time and in a live setting where they can actively ask questions and learn from experts and their peers.
NSI Accreditation & Technical Manager Mark Meriaux, who will facilitate the ses- sion, commented: “We know that keeping workers safe from respirable crystalline silica is front of mind for many natural stone fabricators. This session will be a helpful way for fabricators to make sure they understand the best practices for pre- venting silicosis and have the resources they need to make sure everyone on staff is as safe as possible.”
To register for the live session, visit