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Slippery Rock Gazette
Taking Care of Business
January 2024 | 3
Continued from page 2
They really struggle to see the correla- tion between a highly-skilled guy who can install or fix and job in the field, and the inevitable fact that the wear and tear and tear on his body is going to catch up with him. That employer is going to lose a skilled craftsman, and that craftsman is going to lose his career. It’s a tragedy in my opinion, and our goal at No Lift is to change that industry mindset by presenting a better way, so that highly skilled crafts- men can continue to practice their trade and their employers can prosper.”
Crowley believes that the status quo isn’t sustainable and that eventually, all coun- tertops will be installed using mechanical devices like the No lift..
“Once you come to grips with the fact that it’s not okay to ask somebody to make this kind of sacrifice, the follow-up changes are easy decisions to make. Once you’ve got one of our carts in the field, you’re not going to break countertops, you’re going to have fewer injuries, and you’re going to significantly reduce the labor needed to get big countertops installed on site.”
“Some companies get it, and they will- ingly invest in equipment like the No Lift to protect their installers and protect their profits.
“For those who don’t get it, they will con- tinue to suffer the loss of skilled employ- ees, broken counters, and excess labor costs... and in the end, they will be forced to make this change merely to survive.”
“Every stone shop literally depends on whether its installers can get the counters installed in the client’s home. If you can’t get the counters installed, you don’t have a stone business.”
In closing, it’s clear, that if the stone fab- rication industry as a whole doesn’t make the choice to take better care of its employ- ees, state and federal regulators will. Just look at the silicosis issue in California. Preventing back injuries and silicosis are big issues in the news these days, and are looming priori-ties that companies are fac- ing. If Stone industry companies aren’t proactive about taking responsibility for the safety of their workers, someone else will step in, and you might not like it.
For more information on safety and the No Lift Install System, go to www.nolift or watch the over 200 vid- eos at noliftsystem .
Guys in the field clearly love their carts. A frequent comment is, “I can’t imagine working without one, now.”
Educating through humor: No Lift has developed dozens of clever me- mes to get the point across. In addi- tion, No Lift’s Youtube channel has over 200 videos highlighting the No Lift cart in action.