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Dan Doyle of Galegos Corporation Named 2019 Craftsman of the Year
April 2020|29
Craftsman of the Year
Dan Doyle Galegos Corporation
Dan Doyle epitomizes what a dedicated tradesman in the stone industry can accomplish. His craftsmanship, customer service, leadership, and communication skills have set him apart from his peers to become the 2019 Craftsman of the Year.
Dan joined The Gallegos Corporation in 1988 as a brick and rubble stone mason and has been indispensable to the com- pany ever since. Dan’s colleague Dave Little, Chief Business Development Officer at Gallegos, believes Dan’s ability to under- stand what clients are looking for has earned him a good reputation of accomplishment for his skills and ability to converse with de- signers, owners, and contractors and contributed to repeat busi- ness. “They want Dan on their project because it gives them a sense that it’s going to be com- pleted on time. But it’s also going to be what the owners want,” Dave said.
In early 1991, Gallegos tran- sitioned from an installation company to a fabrication and in- stallation operation after realizing that waiting for others to fabri- cate the stone for their job needs wasn’t time or cost effective. Dan was asked to shift his work focus from a love of brick and rubble stone masonry to one involving cut stone. Dan agreed and rely- ing on his strength in masonry, he took it upon himself to learn the trade of tile and slab installation.
Lately, Dan has been embarking on a new role with Gallegos as a tile and slab installation instruc- tor. With so few opportunities to learn from someone as skilled as Dan, Gallegos sees the business sense in promoting him as a men- tor. On the job, his colleagues are learning just by working along- side Dan.
“They see how he reacts to the architects a lot when they have strange requests – or maybe not strange requests, but something that is really different,” adds Little. “Dan takes the time to either tell them this isn’t possi- ble, and this is why, or, he says, ‘Yeah, we can do it, but we need to do this to do it.’”
Dan enjoys communicating with architects, but his real satisfaction comes from sharing his skills and experience with his co-workers. “It makes you feel good. Because you know that you have learned a few things over the years, and it is nice that you can help someone out to further them along.”
This award has also inspired Dan’s coworkers. Travis Preston, a member of Dan’s crew, re- flected on what this honor means. “This is an award that I have heard about through the years, and only really, really good fabricators and installers are getting this award. It was a true inspiration, and I even joked around with him that, ‘hey,
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For Dan, receiving the award has been overwhelming. The award has meant a lot to both Dan and his father, but he attri- butes this success to the team at The Gallegos Corporation. “I would like to thank the Gallegos Corporation, I would like to thank Suzanne Gallegos. Her husband, Gerald, was – he was the bomb,” said Dan. “Gary Woodworth, Daryl Woodworth, all the PMs. All of them. Can’t do it without them. They’re all good people.”
Congratulations to Dan Doyle, the 2019 Craftsman of the Year. He has served on the executive committee for many years and is most deserving of this prestigious recognition.”
“Congratulations, Dan, you’re mak- ing us all proud. You’ve earned ev- ery bit of this award, and I look for- ward to the next 40 years.”
Daryl Woodworth
The Gallegos Corporation
“He’s a great mentor. If I were new to the industry, it would be an hon- or to work with somebody that has the skill that Dan has. It would be something that if you were truly in this for a career, you couldn’t have a better mentor.”
Dave Little
The Gallegos Corporation
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“Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.”
— Ronald Reagan