Page 28 - Demo
P. 28

28|April 2020
Commercial Exterior
Oklahoma City LDS Temple
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
TContinued from page 22
he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints view the essen-
tial idea of a temple as that of a place specially set apart for service regarded as sacred. This condition of excellence was LDS communitiy’s offer- ing unto the Lord. It was in every respect the best the people could give – erecting a structure befitting a house of the Lord.
The exterior of the 15,500 square foot Oklahoma City LDS temple was redesigned to improve the overall mass- ing, entry, and tower of the structure.
The tower’s steeple was raised 10 feet from the existing height to better correspond to the revised entry. The cut stone design allowed for thickened cubic base material and in- corporated thickened pilasters as well as cubic cornice profi les which added depth. The bulky stones at the base of the entrance creates the look of columns flanking the main en- trance doors.
  The floor plan was slightly modified for more effi cient use of the building, and venti- lation issues were addressed. Working from the air barrier out, it was determined to add 4˝ of insulation into the hat channel design and incorpo- rate a mechanical stone setting system.
The client selected the use of Moleanos limestone for its warm color. 40 containers equaling 1,600,000 pounds of cubic blocks of the limestone was shipped from Portugal to China for fabrication, resulting in 350,000 pounds of finished stone.
The exterior design incor- porates local architecture, culture, and motifs to give the temple a tie to its geographic location. Classical architec- tural elements such as the egg and dart, rosettes, and acanthus leaves were used throughout the building. Specific regional motifs of wheat and the Indian Blanket wildfl ower were se- lected to root the building in its surroundings and local community.
 Slippery rock GAzette
        Natural Stone Institute Member Company
IMS Masonry Lindon, Utah Stone Installer
Other Project Team Members
VCBO Architecture
Bestview International
Stone Fabricator
PICCO Engineering
Stone Engineer
Moleanos limestone
Judges Comments:
Beautiful sculptural blocks of limestone are so tailored, crisp, and clean. This faith makes a point of cladding their temples in stone and should be celebrated. Control and execution are well done. This temple looks like it has been here forever, and it will be. The exceptionally clean design of- fers no opportunity to hide a defect. Extremely challenging for both the supplier and installer.
Natural Stone Institute Member Company
Dan Lepore & Sons Company Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
          Commercial Exterior
Hartford Connecticut Temple
Farmington, Connecticut
The Hartford Connecticut Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church’s 155th temple erected worldwide. The single-story, granite clad structure is rich in materials and archi- tectural detailing and enjoyed by the community in Farmington, Connecticut.
FFKR Architects conducted careful research of the classical architectural styles and building traditions in New England to determine appropriate precedents for the design and set the tone and character of the architecture for the Hartford Connecticut Temple. Combining the local culture and history with the unique function of the temple, they were able to create a beautiful building that is comfortable in its surround- ings. A beautiful light grey granite was selected for the building’s exterior because of the owner’s commit- ment to building with durable, noble materials.
To facilitate the stone fabricators in China, who were unfamiliar with traditional western architecture and detailing, FFKR Architects prepared full-size drawings of many details and all the decorative pieces to use as patterns for carving. The drawings included diagrams showing the depth of the carvings and the projections of the pieces in relief. The installation of the stone by Dan Lepore & Sons Company took more than a year to complete.
The temple entrance is under a beautiful portico with detailed eighteen-foot tall Ionic columns that have richly carved capitals and a full entablature and cornice. The triangular tympanum features a wreath of oak leaves (Connecticut’s state tree) and flanks
Stone Installer
Other Project Team Members
FFKR Architects
Dimensional Stone Services, Inc. Stone Supplier
Quanzhou Liangun Building Materialsi Stone Fabricator
Temple White granite G655W
Judges Comments:
So articulate. The balance of sculpted and flat elements requires amulti-skilled and experienced installer. If you’re just getting into the trade, don’t start with a project like this. These types of jobs are for the seasoned veterans of the industry.
elaborate acanthus scrolls carved in stone. The slender tower rises in steps to 117 feet and is topped with a gold statue of the angel Moroni. The building occupies a beautiful park- like setting that complements the architecture.
The interior of the temple is richly appointed in the Georgian and Federal styles, with stained glass windows and marble fl oors. Details in the trim and moldings detail nature and floral motifs.
The SRG will continue the Pinnacle Awards next issue.

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