Are trade shows worth it? Trade shows are expensive to attend and expensive for the exhibitors. In today’s world where everyone is watching pennies, is there really any reason to still have trade shows?  

We kick this argument around every year and the answer seems to always come back to relationships and innovation. Trade shows do give people an opportunity to put a name and face together and establish or re-establish a business relationship. Innovations give us an opportunity to share “What’s New” in a way that a website or YouTube simply cannot. We were exhibiting at StonExpo/Surfaces in January (booth B380) and will be at World of Concrete this month (booth S12839).

If you are an old friend or a new friend to the Slippery Rock Gazette and to Braxton-Bragg—we urge you to stop by our booth and say hello. We would really like the opportunity to meet and greet.

If you are interested in “What’s New,” then plan on making our booth a “must-see.”  We have many inventors scheduled to be in our booth and several new products. One of my favorites this year is a saw. The Raptor is an amazing saw that has a water base, much like a router and is able to cut 3cm material without step cutting. The Raptor was invented by an Orlando-based fabricator who has examined every step in countertop manufacturing in order to improve efficiency and has created several innovative tools. Stop by and check it out.  

Another favorite tool is the Termite by WerkMaster. The Termite is an all new design that is perfect for stone floor restoration. It is small enough to fit in a van, only needs 110 volt power and is suitable for stone, terrazzo, and concrete grinding. At only 100 pounds, it is easy to maneuver through stairs and elevators. We have a complete line of diamond tools suitable for every surface.

We mailed our 2013 catalog on January 7. You should receive it before the show. If you did not, stop by and pick one up, we will have a supply at our booth, or to save sore arms from literature overload, call your Braxton-Bragg rep and ask him to send you a copy. 

Have a good read,

Rich Hassert

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