Sean McCool

The Profit Funnels Guy

Do you have all the business you could possibly want or need? If you’re like most small business owners, you’re always looking for ways to grow your business. 

Marketing is an ongoing item on my agenda, and I’m always looking for new ways to market my services. But where do you begin the process of attracting more business? How do you get the ball rolling in the direction you want your business to be heading? 

Well, it’s really simple. Start planting seeds! Don’t expect an overnight harvest, but you will reap what you sow.

You can start by telling everyone what you do, including those people in your life you see every day. For instance:

  • Talk to your hairdresser – they have your client’s undivided attention while in that chair. If the conversation moves to what you do, make sure your card is in the hairdresser’s workstation – better yet; see if she’ll put it on the mirror. 
  • Talk to your dentist or doctor – these people tend to live in nicer neighborhoods where your ideal client is most likely to live. 
  • Talk to your financial advisor or insurance agent – these guys are in the homes of your clients all the time. They could easily tell you the neighborhoods where you should be marketing.
  • Even your babysitter can be a great source of new business – again your sitter is likely working in two income homes with kids and that’s a pretty good demographic for your business. 

Fact is, you just never know who they might know, who may want or need your products or services. Leave business cards with those people, so they can hand them out to others who may be interested in contacting you. That old saying that includes the line “the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker” may just ring true after all.

Plant seeds everywhere you go. Typical ways to market your business are fine, but the best way is by simply using word-of-mouth. 

The phrase “Who do you know of your customers who could benefit from what I do?” can be a very powerful statement when you are talking to others about what you do or what you sell. Let your presence be known. Be creative! 

Another idea is to keep a Team 100 list of the top professionals you know. When someone either in my professional circle or my personal circle is looking for a particular service, I’m able to refer them to someone I know and trust. All of the professionals on my list are able to refer me to those they know as well. It’s a win/win situation. My name is on their list, their name is on mine, and so the seed has been planted, and keeps growing.

These are just a couple of great ideas to help you get started in growing your business. Taking some small action every day is better than doing nothing at all, and it’s even better than doing a lot all at once. Following a simple action plan consistently will most likely lead to several great opportunities down the road. Who knows? If you put in the effort, you just may find new business knocking on your door instead of the other way around. 

So, plant those seeds...and watch your business grow by leaps and bounds!

Sean McCool is an award-winning copywriter and the author of Marketing Secrets of the Ice Cream Man. He is known as The Profit Funnels Guy because Sean shows businesses how to set up multiple Profit Funnels throughout their business. Sean can be reached through his website,