Attendees to this year’s SFA Mega Workshop in Nashville, TN will have the opportunity to attend a presentation by one of the industry’s most prominent supplier and processor of Natural Stone: Antolini Luigi of Verona, Italy.

This three-hour program entitled “Antolini: The Ultimate Stone Romance” will encompass all aspects of processing beautiful and exotic natural stones, from quarrying, right through to the final installation.

Our industry assigns the fabricator a unique role as he is the one who typically presents the finished products to customers, whether they be architects, designers or homeowners. The insight and education required to truly inspire the customer to buy on emotion has remained elusive to many of us.

Attending this program will empower you as Antolini will deliver a detailed and professional lecture about processing, polishing, and the selection of stones with the ultimate goal being to help you successfully market those higher-margin natural stone products to the high-end consumer community.

So, join us as we welcome Antolini Luigi to the SFA Mega Workshop.

The Stone Fabricator’s Alliance (SFA) is a fully volunteer organization of fabricators helping fabricators, in an effort to raise the quality in the Natural Stone Industry by sharing information, skills and education at no cost.

The Mega Workshop is being held at the Nashville Convention Center, Nashville, TN on October 10 through 12, 2012 and, in typical SFA fashion, attendance is free.

Antolini: The Ultimate Stone Romance is scheduled for Thursday, October 11 at 1:00 pm, followed by dinner hosted by OHM International where the Antolini Signature Collection will be on display.

For more information visit