Weha has announced a new hot-dipped, galvanized work table with a load capacity of 1,100 pounds, making it one of the most heavy-duty work tables on the market.

Weha has announced a new hot-dipped, galvanized work table with a load capacity of 1,100 pounds

The table is made of galvanized, solid steel and will support, including granite, marble, quartzite, engineered stone – up to 3cm and laminated materials.

The table is 84 inches long and 27 inches in width, designed to be the perfect width for fabricating tops, and perfect for cutting bowls and sink cutouts within the table frame. The height is adjustable from 32 to 44 inches.

The table features four swivel casters for easy positioning in the shop, and four screw levers/stabilizers to adjust for the slope of the shop floor, to line up seams on another table, as well as create stability and eliminate any movement from the table when fabricating.  It comes with four replaceable wood inserts (2x4s) which can easily slide within the frame to support cutouts or between vanities.

For more information visit wehausa.com or visit their authorized distributor, BBIndustriesLLC.com .