SESA Reaches Membership MilestoneThe Stone Equipment and Supply Alliance has reached a milestone with 50 active members.

The 50 companies are all engaged in the manufacturing of stone fabrication equipment and the associated supplies used by stone fabricators. 

The alliance was formed in 2021 to provide a common voice for the aligned companies in coordinating attendance and negotiating exhibition costs at industry trade shows.

SESA president Mike Schlough of Park Industries said, “Having 50 members speaks to the value that companies see by joining  SESA. We will continue to work to make SESA even more valuable to our members by hosting a Manufactured Surfaces Pavilion at TISE to make this show the best place for fabricators to learn about these materials and their associated fabrication techniques as well as seeing industry leading machinery and technology.”

For more information on this new initiative, please contact Jon Lancto of Big Fish Consulting, .