From the Publisher’s Pen: Disruptive Technology and Other Opportunities
Rich Hassert
I recently had the pleasure of attending a training class. The class included hands-on equipment training and a classroom component that had so much information that it was like trying to drink out of a fire hose.
On the last day, one of my fellow students remarked that this is “disruptive technology,” and indeed I believe that it is. A disruptive innovation is an innovation that helps create a new market and value network, and eventually goes on to disrupt an existing market and value network (over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier technology.
Innovation sometimes comes screaming and sometimes it just sneaks up on you. This one sneaked up on me. I did not see it coming until I saw a granite slab that had been purposely damaged, then resurfaced to better than new condition in record time, by an untrained worker (and at a remarkably low cost). Over the next few months we will be presenting product reviews and reports on subjects like stone restoration, terrazzo refinishing, and sealers that prevent acid etching of marble and concrete.
The design of disruptive technology can be a challenge if it is contrary to the way you were trained. Sometimes you just have to learn to think differently. I was resistant until I saw it with my own eyes.
In our own small way, the Slippery Rock Gazette is attempting to implement some disrupting technology. If you don’t make it a habit of checking out our free classified ads at, you may be missing the opportunity of a lifetime. I would urge you to consider making it your home page. We have also added a products link tab which will enable you to gain product and vendor information for a variety of tools and materials—all in one place.
If you have suggestions on other ways that we can bring “disruptive technology” to your mailbox, please send us a note.
Hope you enjoy the read.
Rich Hassert
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