Compelling Explanation
An unnamed resident of the Wilson Lane apartments in Elkins, West Virginia, told police she left her home for a few minutes one October evening, returning a short time later to find a neighbor, Ronald L. Thorne Jr., 52, “standing in her apartment eating her lasagna from the refrigerator.”
Thorne went on to tell her he “just wanted to talk and maybe more,” and then he returned to his own apartment, carrying the lasagna and one of her forks, according to the police report. The Inter-Mountain reports the woman also told Randolph County Sheriff’s officers that her home had been ransacked and a crisp, new $20 bill was missing from her purse.
When officers confronted Thorne, he told them he “had been sleepwalking and had woke up standing in his neighbor’s apartment,” the complaint stated. The officers also noticed a pan of lasagna on his table, and Thorne told them “she could have it back.”
Thorne was arrested and charged with burglary; as he was being processed, a crisp, new $20 bill was found in his wallet. Hmmm: coincidence or clue?