Your Tax Dollars – Not – at Work
A New Jersey town is putting some bite in an ordinance that could result in hefty fines and even jail time for owners of barking dogs. That’s right. It’s now “wrong” for a dog to bark in Jersey.
To be fair, the Saddle River council is amending a one-sentence noise rule by placing time restrictions that would prohibit dogs from barking, howling or yelping for more than 20 minutes between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. or for more than 15 minutes between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Violators would face a fine of up to $1,000, up to 90 days in jail or up to 90 days of community service. But what about the dog? Community service, or time off for good-boy behavior?
Saddle River Borough Administrator Jerry Giaimis says there was one incident in particular that prompted the change.
Mr. Giaimis says he couldn’t elaborate on what the incident was. But I’ll bet you a Beggin’ Treat it wasn’t his dog.