I’m Suing My Insurance Company
Randy Sadler
CIC Services
I’m suing my insurance company
“You’re what?”
“You heard me. I’m suing my insurance company.”
“I had a loss, and it’s definitely covered on my policy... but my insurance company is playing games and refusing to pay my claim.”
Through the years, we have had many business owners tell us that they have had their claims denied. Some have simply eaten the loss. Others have gone to court against their insurance company, and some have won.
Why would an insurance company deny a claim? In many cases, if a claim is even remotely in a grey area, they’re better off denying a claim, even if it means losing a longstanding client. After all, the insurance company has taken in premiums and paid no claims for years. Stiff arming a few clients is no big loss. The insurance company already made their money, and a lot of clients won’t fight... they’ll just go away.
It’s rather daunting to think you may have an claim denied and be forced to sue your insurance carrier or simply walk away empty-handed with a big loss to pay.
Is there an alternative?
Businesses that are looking for an alternative are often rewarded in the Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) market. Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) approaches and vehicles have fueled an ongoing shift in the business insurance marketplace. More and more companies with solid risk management practices and good loss histories are moving some or all of their risk into the ART market.
ART programs often include captive insurance companies (CICs) and risk retention groups (RRGs) and enable businesses to reap greater rewards from strong past performance. ART approaches can help provide cost control, flexibility, the ability to reap insurance profits and reward businesses for a good loss history. ART Programs almost always result in fewer claims being denied, and that provides real peace of mind.
CIC Services is an Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) expert, specializing in the formation and operation of captive insurance companies. A captive is a risk management tool, and all risk management is financial. A financially strong captive is a more powerful risk management tool.
CIC Services LLC structures captives to optimize both risk management and asset accumulation. The greater the asset accumulation, the more effective the captive is for its insureds and owners. We do this through the following:
- Comprehensive Business Risk Assessment
- Compliance with IRS Safe Harbors
- Strategic Risk Management Plan
- Superior Structuring within a Captive
- Superior Asset Management Strategies
- Superior Exit Strategies
To learn more about Captive Insurance, visit www.cicservicesllc.com