NSI Announces Call for Entries for 2018 Industry Recognition Awards
The Natural Stone Institute (NSI) is pleased to announce that the call for entries for the 2018 Industry Recognition Awards is now open. Submissions for all awards are due Friday, July 20.
NSI members are invited to nominate colleagues for the following awards:
Migliore Award for Lifetime Achievement. This award pays tribute to an individual who has made extraordinary contributions to the natural stone industry.
Women in Stone Pioneer Award. Sponsored by TexaStone Quarries, this award recognizes a trailblazer within the stone industry for their role in recruiting, retaining, and advancing women. The recipient’s performance in promoting women should be exemplary, honorable, and inspirational.
Natural Stone Craftsman of the Year Award.
Sponsored by Polycor and Custom Building Products, this award was established to honor an individual whose craftsmanship in the natural stone industry stands out above all else.
Natural Stone Scholarship. Sponsored by Coldspring, Delaware Quarries, and the Natural Stone Foundation, this scholarship provides educational opportunities for aspiring stone professionals interested in furthering their careers within the natural stone industry.
Women in Stone Empowerment Scholarship. Sponsored by the Natural Stone Foundation, this scholarship provides a guided educational experience to one of three industry events to a woman showing a strong passion to grow her career within the stone industry.
For more information about these awards, including nomination forms and submission requirements, please visit www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/awards.
The Natural Stone Institute is a trade association representing every aspect of the natural stone industry. The current membership exceeds 2,000 members in over 50 nations. The association offers a wide array of technical and training resources, professional development opportunities, regulatory advocacy, and networking events. Two prominent publications—the Dimension Stone Design Manual and Building Stone Magazine—raise awareness within the natural stone industry and in the design community for best practices and uses of natural stone. Learn more at www.naturalstoneinstitute.org.