The Power Wedge Slab Separator Saves Lives, Saves Fingers
Braxton-Bragg now offers a simple, low-cost slab safety device to help prevent employee injuries.
The Power Wedge Slab Separator increases the distance between slabs so clamps are more easily inserted. It helps eliminates the common and hazardous practice of workers trying to manhandle the slabs, which can lead to injured fingers or even worse injuries, said Steve Bussell, Braxton-Bragg product manager.
“This is for separating slabs – making it easier for the lifter to be able to get to the stone and remove a slab,” he said. “This helps to separate them.
”There are two wedges include in the separator kit, Bussell said. “The smaller orange one can get you started. You can put the larger green one in, and it locks in place. It’s convenient because one fits inside the other, so you don’t have two of them floating around.
”Selling for only $19.95, the Power Wedge provides value far beyond the price, Bussell said. “Even though it’s a very inexpensive product, it’s one that’s a must. Every shop should have this product.
”Any step to increase safety on the job pays dividends, he said. “You just need to take every precaution you can.”
For additional information on these products, contact the sales reps at Braxton-Bragg. Call toll free, 1-800-575-4401.
Braxton-Bragg offers a full range of fabrication tooling and installation accessories including sinks, installation hardware, and every tool and piece of equipment needed to run a professional stone, tile, and polished concrete shop. For more information about Braxton-Bragg and its publications and products, contact them toll-free at 800-575-4401 or visit the website for current sales and new products.