MIA+BSI has announced that Marmomac has renewed its sponsorship for the Grande Pinnacle Award for the next three years.  Marmomac has sponsored the Grande Pinnacle Award since its inception in 2008.

The Grande Pinnacle Award is presented to the best overall project entered in the Pinnacle Awards. The winner will receive a trip to Marmomac 2018, including round trip economy airfare, four nights lodging, and registration. One architect from the winning project will also receive this award.

In announcing the renewal, MIA+BSI CEO Jim Hieb stated: “We look forward to continuing this important partnership with Marmomac. The Grande Pinnacle represents the best use of natural stone in the Pinnacle Awards, and as such, it makes perfect sense for the winner to receive a trip to Verona to attend Marmomac. We appreciate Marmomac’s support of this prestigious program.” Veronafiere Deputy Marketing Director Elena Amadini added: “Marmomac and MIA+BSI share the goal of promoting the use of natural stone by engaging the design community and challenging it to use stone in increasingly aesthetic and diverse ways. Our sponsorship of the Grande Pinnacle Award is thus a perfect fit in pursuit of this common goal.”  

The deadline to enter the 2017 Pinnacle Awards is Friday, July 21. The Pinnacle Awards honor projects whose beauty, creativity, and craftsmanship exemplify professional mastery in the use of natural stone in residential and commercial applications. New this year, applicants may simultaneously submit projects for both the Pinnacle and Tucker Design Awards. The Tucker Design Awards honor architects who have achieved excellence in design through the use of natural stone in building or landscape projects. Additional entry fees apply. 

Learn more about the Pinnacle Awards and the 2017 MIA+BSI Awards Program at www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/awards.