Top 5 Tips for Entering the 2016 Pinnacle Awards
Competition Open to all MIA+BSI Member Companies
MIA+BSI has just announced some helpful tips to enter the yearly stone industry Pinnacle Awards.
5. Start Early.
The initial Call for Entries began in May. Identify the categories that best fit your project(s) and begin gathering the data as soon as possible.
4. Remember the Three-Year Window on Projects.
The 2016 Pinnacle Awards are open to projects completed in the past three years – not just projects completed this year.
3. Keep Your Description Concise.
Your project description is your chance to tell the project’s story. Be sure to highlight the use of stone.
2. Pay Attention to Detail.
Follow all guidelines and proofread your entry. Editorial errors can detract from your project. Entries should arrive in a binder, as described in the entry guidelines.
1. Don’t Forget the Photos!
While the written project description is important, the photographs are what really help the judges grade each project. The higher the quality of the photo, the better your chances are of impressing the judges. Be sure to include a wide angle shot of the entire project and several close-ups of the natural stone detail. A professional photographer is not required, but it does help.
For more information on the 2016 Pinnacle Awards, visit