When you can, you should encourage your customers to visit usenaturalstone.com to educate them on stone types and fabrication options.

When you can, you should encourage your customers to visit usenaturalstone.com to educate them on stone types and fabrication options.

MIA+BSI: The Natural Stone Institute is proud to introduce the newly designed www.usenaturalstone.com. This site, a major component of the Natural Stone Promotional Campaign, features articles, photography, and other resources designed to encourage the use of natural stone. While the primary audience of the site will be consumers, builders, architects, and designers, there are several ways that stone companies can utilize the site:

Encourage customers to visit the site. Visiting the site can help customers learn more about various stone types and fabrication options.

Share our articles. To make the biggest impact with our campaign, we need you to share these articles: promote them on your company’s website, post them on social media, and email them to clients to reinforce the benefits of natural stone. 

Do you have an article idea? We want to hear it. We know many MIA+BSI members have talented marketing teams that already create the type of content being featured on usenaturalstone.com. Do you have an already-written article with photos that we can repurpose for use on the site? Our team will rework the article to be generic in nature, but give credit to the member company for the article inspiration. Have an idea for a new article topic? Tell us and we will put our freelance writers to work! Send all articles and ideas to networking@naturalstoneinstitute.org

Inspire. Send us your photos! Words can only do so much to illustrate the benefits of using natural stone—we also need high quality photos of all types of natural stone installations. Do you have a photo you’d like to see featured on our site? Send photos to networking@naturalstoneinstitute.org. Credit will be given for each photograph used, including company name and stone type. 

Donate. Make a financial contribution to further the industry’s ability to spread the word about natural stone.  Your donation helps to fund continued content development, article placement, and public relations efforts. 

MIA+BSI strives to accurately promote natural stone in order to dispel any negative myths and advocate its plentiful benefits. “The goal is to present educational, authentic, and compelling assertions for the use of natural stone,” said MIA+BSI CEO Jim Hieb. 

For more information, visit www.usenaturalstone.com