From the Publisher’s Pen: Using Technology to Better Help You
“I have been very happy with your quick responsiveness and attention to details. You could not have been easier to work with. Great news is the ads get results.”
-Rocky Peebles, Accent Marble and Granite
The online version of the Slippery Rock Gazette continues to grow, both in terms of visitor count and in the quantity and quality of classified ads. Online classified ads are free for contractors, fabricators, and installers. There are sections for equipment sales, help wanted, and services.
Free classified ads are often the fastest and most economical way to sell or buy used equipment. In addition to free classified ads, the current issue is available for online reading as well as several years of archived issues. The search function includes the current issue as well as archived issues. There is a Google language translation feature so you can read the Slippery Rock in over 80 languages.
Our latest investment in technology is the Braxton-Bragg i-Pad app. At the time of writing this column, we have just submitted our app to the Apple i-Tunes store for quality evaluation. The app is a full transactional app that is always in sync with our website. It has all the features of our website, including videos that automatically sense your device and adjusts the video to fit the device. You can place your orders with the app and pay either with a secure credit card process or on account.
Our objective is to use technology to help our customers save time and money. If you have an idea that you think will help us do that, please write to me at
Have a good read,
Rich Hassert
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