Free MIA Human Resources Toolkit The Marble Institute of America (MIA) announced that its Human Resources toolkit has been added to the “Members’ Area” of its website.         

The Human Resources Toolkit is the 4th of 6 toolkits from the MIA Management Toolkit series that has been added to the website over the past several months. The remaining 2 will be posted in the next 6 months. The Management Toolkit Series provides customizable documents that assist business owners in improving and streamlining business operations.

“Human resources is an area that is often overlooked in smaller businesses. This customizable collection of documents will help stone businesses streamline and professionalize their human resources,” said Helen Distelhorst, MIA Human Resources Director.

“By adding another free toolkit that assists with business operations, the MIA has added significant value to membership. Our online management resources are second to none and can be instrumental in assisting small business operations,” said Jeff Handley, MIA Membership Services Manager.

The Human Resources Toolkit offers a collection of 72 of the most useful and necessary human resources forms in electronic format. Members can customize them to complement their human resources policies and procedures. This toolkit assists stone businesses in projecting a professional image, even without a dedicated human resources person. The forms are in word format and can be modified to meet your company’s specific needs.

Companies who desire to obtain the Human Resources Toolkit in a printed, binder format may order it from the MIA bookstore.

MIA members can access the documents by clicking “Members Login” on the top right of the MIA website. If you forgot your login information, click the “Forgot your login or password?” button and follow the directions. On the Members’ page, click “Human Resources Toolkit” under “Documents and Publications”.

MIA is a leading promoter of stone usage in the commercial and residential marketplaces, producing consumer education materials on the use of natural stone and its proper care and maintenance. More information can be found on the association’s website: