MIA updates its websiteThe Marble Institute of America (MIA) announced that its popular Customer & Sales Forms toolkit has been added to the “Members’ Area” of its website.

The Customer & Sales Forms toolkit is the 2nd of 6 toolkits from the MIA Management Toolkit series that will be added to the website over the next 10 months. The Management Toolkit Series provides customizable documents that assist business owners in improving and streamlining business operations.

“Over the next several months, MIA members will see more and more resources that in the past would have been only available for purchase, added to the Members’ Area of the MIA website at no extra cost,” said Jeff Handley, MIA Membership Services Manager. “Our goal for the Members’ Area is to make it the one stop shop for stone industry technical and business resources.”

MIA Industry Research & Information Manager, Mike Loflin, added, “This toolkit is the most requested of the six in the series. Its ninety forms cover nearly all aspects of today’s natural stone business.”

The Customer & Sales Forms toolkit offers a collection of 90 forms and other documents covering eight major areas: Pre-Sale Documents, Contracts / Terms of Business / Proposals, Pre-Installation & Installation Documents, Post Installation Correspondence, Problem Resolution, Restoration and Maintenance, Slab Forms & Agreements, and Flooring Installation Documents.

Companies who desire to obtain all of the Customer & Sales Forms in a printed, binder format may order it from the MIA bookstore.

MIA members can access the documents by clicking “Members Login” on the top right of the MIA website. If you forgot your login information, click the “Forgot your login or password?” button and follow the directions. On the Members’ page, click “Customer & Sales Forms Toolkit” under “Documents and Publications”.

About the Marble Institute of America

Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, the Marble Institute of America (MIA) has served as the authoritative source of information on standards of natural stone workmanship and practice and the application of natural stone products for nearly 70 years.

The MIA offers an industry accreditation program for fabricators and installers, markets a range of technical publications and consumer pamphlets on natural stone, sponsors business and technical meetings and seminars on industry-related topics, provides educational programming for architects and construction specification professionals, and conducts the annual Pinnacle Awards competitions recognizing outstanding natural stone projects worldwide.

More information on the toolkits and other membership benefits can be found on the association’s website: http://www.marble-institute.com.