Christmas comes but once a year, but that still doesn't mean you can't dream about the sheer power of being Santa Claus for a day. Here are some ideas from a woman's perspective!
- You'd never be expected to make the coffee.
- There'd be no more early morning decisions about what to wear to the office.
- You could grow a gut the size of Guam and consider it a job requirement.
- Buy one big black belt and a pair of black boots and you would be accessorized for life.
- There'd be no reason to have your "colors" done.
- Everyone would be extremely nice to you, even if you were suffering from PMS.
- If people were so rude to suggest that your belly jiggled when you laughed-like a bowlful of jelly you could hit them with your purse.
- You'd always work in sensible footwear.
- There'd be no need to play office politics; a hearty ho-ho-ho would remind everyone who's boss.
- You wouldn't need to buy an expensive briefcase to look professional
- No one would dare ask for a ride to work.
- You'd never again have to wear pantyhose or worry about your slip showing.
- No more trips to the vending could just snack on milk and elf-made cookies all day. (For free!)
- You'd never be asked to take an early retirement package.
- Juggling work and family would be a breeze because your children would adore you; even your teenagers would beg to sit on your lap.
- You'd be guaranteed the best chair in the office.
- Age and gender discrimination wouldn't be an issue anymore.
-You'd never grab the wrong coat on your way out the door.
- Your co-workers wouldn't get huffy and demand to see your job description.
- No more having to wrap presents at the last minute-you'd have people (well, elves, anyway) lined up just to do that for you!