The best guide on designing masonry is now even better! The 6th edition of the Masonry Designers' Guide (MDG-6) Has been completely updated to address the numerous additions and changes in the 2008 edition of the Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures (TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5 and TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6) (also referred to as the 2008 MSJC). In addition, information related to masonry design requirements in the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) is also included.
The MDG-6 is an excellent resource for masonry designers as well as students learning about masonry for the first time because:
-- It was developed by dozens of masonry experts who are both familiar with masonry design, and with the Code requirements governing masonry's use
-- It includes over 70 practical examples for typical masonry buildings and components
-- It has been expanded to include many new drawings and photographs to illustrate concepts and procedures discussed.
Topics covered in the MDG-6 include masonry materials, testing, quality assurance, quality control, construction methods, structural design, seismic design, and using the MSJC with model Building Codes. The companion CD included with the book includes additional resources including the complete MDG-5 for reference, Excel spreadsheets used in some of the design examples, additional examples based on IBC requirements, and select technical notes on clay brick and concrete masonry that are often used by designers.
The MDG has become one of the most popular design guides for masonry due to its extensive examples and practical coverage of masonry design issues.
Purchasers of the MDG-6 can also take advantage of pricing discounts when buying the MDG-6 with the 2009 Masonry Codes and Specifications Compilations as noted below (does not include shipping and handling charge).
The 2009 Masonry Codes and Specifications Compilation is a must for anyone designing, constructing, and inspecting masonry! It includes key portions of the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) and 2009 International Residential Code (IRC), the entire MSJC Code and Specification (TMS 402 and TMS 602), and much, much, more. As such, this compilation serves as a perfect reference for designers, contractors and inspectors who are trying to ensure compliance with the Code. It also is a perfect companion to the MDG-6 - including the Code requirements referenced in the MDG Student CD's are only available to full-time students enrolled at a university and to professors purchasing quantities for their class. Call the Masonry Society office at 303-939-9700 for educational pricing.
To place an order that will be shipped when, visit online at (nonmembers). Several other helpful publications are also available from the Masonry Society site.
TMS members may e-mail the office to place an order that will be invoiced when their order is shipped. Visit for more information on TMS services, benefits and professional publications.
The Masonry Designers' Guide (MDG-6) has been completely updated to address the numerous additions and changes in the 2008 edition of the Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures. The 2009 Masonry Code Compilation can be included with the Masonry Designers' Guide (MDG-6).
Masonry Designers' Guide-6th Edition: Retail Price: $115.00 TMS Member Price: $86.25
2009 Masonry Codes and Specifications Compilation: Retail Price: $159.00 TMS Member Price: $119.25
Bundle of MDG-6 & 2009 Masonry Code Compilation: Retail Price: $250.00 (savings of $24.00) TMS Member Price: $180.00 (savings of $25.50)