Combining the unique appearance and durability of concrete countertops, and the decorative and elegant quality of shaped edges found on stone countertops used to be a problem. Concrete Countertop Solutions has come up with a user-friendly remedy.
With a variety of shapes like Fancy Radius and Full Bullnose, Z-Counterforms is a simple, disposable solution to creating shaped, extended edges on cast-in-place concrete counters. Since it is crafted at the same time as the counter is poured, the concrete fabricator saves finishing time, and the client benefits with a stylish concrete counter. Everyone wins.
The technique is simple: the fabricator places 1/2 cement backer board on top of the cabinets, screws it down and fits the Z-Counterform to the edges and back wall. After the concrete has been poured and cured, one simply pulls and snaps off the ZCounterform to reveal a beautiful, smooth edge.
In addition to the shaped forms offered by ZCounterforms, they now feature an insert which, when used along with the straight edge form, creates a lovely rock-face style, exactly like the chiseled edge often used on stone countertops.
Former customers rave about these products: "This is the type of product that you say... why didn't I think of this?" (Ron Webber of Quest Building Products)
"I have been in the business 40 years. When I saw Z-Counterforms I knew they would change the industry." (Rick Ogden of Rick Ogden Construction)
For additional information on Z-Counterforms, contact the sales reps at Braxton-Bragg. Call toll free, 1-800-575-4401. These products are available through Braxton-Bragg.
Braxton-Bragg offers a full range of fabrication tooling and installation accessories including sinks, installation hardware, and every tool and piece of equipment needed to run a professional stone, tile, and polished concrete shop. For more information about Braxton-Bragg and its publications and products, contact them toll-free at 800-575-4401 or visit the website
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