When one thinks about the current generation of American young adults, the terms industrious, ambitious, and hard-working can be as applicable as they are to older, more established members of the American workforce.
This was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, when we met CJ Moore, owner of Moore Stone, Inc. From the moment we arrived, a band of cheerful employees greeted us enthusiastically, but it was obvious that these young men were ready for action, and anxious to get to their jobsites and get to work. CJ, who began his career quite early in life, currently has eight employees, including a very capable office manager, otherwise known as Lina Moorehis wife. "I'm so proud of him and how successful he has become," remarked Mrs. Moore.
Moore has come a long way from his high school years. He began working for a stone fabricator in order to make a little money, when a friend invited him to apply for a summer job. After he earned his diploma, he decided to attend a university and work toward a degree in Computer Science. This foray into college life lasted all of one day, literally. He marched out of the classroom and back into the life he had decided was his true calling: working with stone.
After two years of working as an employee, Moore decided to take the plunge, and go to work for himself. "I was almost twenty when I started my own business. I knew it would be tough in the beginning, and I wanted to make sure I was established before I had a family to worry about!" He raised money for capital every way he could, including selling newspapers, but he was able to start his new business as an installer without any outstanding debt. By sticking to his motto-"Go hard, or go home!" he worked his way up from one assistant to his current crew, and is already planning for the future. "My parents always taught me that if you want something you have to give everything you have to get it... don't expect anything to ever get handed to you, and never give up!" Another installation truck will join his workforce by the end of the year, as well as more assistants; he is currently training his brother to become a lead man for a crew of his own.
The internet is a useful tool for helping him find new employees; however, Moore feels that it is important to make sure his new crew members are trustworthy. "I have trouble trusting people with my work. I am a perfectionist and will not settle for anything less." His right hand man, Artur Lukezewisz, has been working with Moore Stone for the past three years, but CJ and Artur have been working together for over ten. "We were installation partners for two years together-there was nothing we couldn't handle. I know he is doing things the way I expect them done; I trust him 100 percent," Moore said.
Along with installing both natural and engineered stone countertops-which his installation crews currently put in an average of 60 a week-Moore also designs and installs backsplashes and other tile applications. "A lot of people doubted that I could become successful at this, but hard work really paid off for me. You need to stay focused; when you fall, get right back up and get at it ten times harder! That's what I live by," said CJ.
Although this is definitely CJ's business, Lina, his wife of six years, is a big help, and has managed his office for the last few years while he is on location. "It's good to work together, even though a lot of the time CJ is away from the office on installs!" Knowing each other since fifth grade, and having been best friends most of their lives is a big plus in working well together. She is my biggest fan; she's always got my back. We would do anything for each other! We have the same personalities, so at times we butt heads, but we do a pretty good job separating business and our home life."
The Moores have two little girls, Angelina, age 6, and Giulianna, age 4, who are also big fans, and we learned this month there's another Moore Stone fan on the way.
Along with CJ's wife, his brother David has been an active part of the company for the past three years, but has been in the industry for eight, starting out as a templater. "David is hands-down one of the best templaters in this area, and if he sticks with me, I'll make him one of the best installers as well," said CJ. "He is doing good, picking it up quick and has lots of potential. We separate our work relationship and our brotherhood very well-he's my little brother, and blood will come before business, any day." Suffice to say, David Moore is also very interested in making stone his career.
CJ has had some close calls in the past: an angled parking job caused some counters being transported to an installation site to fall, pinning him against the truck. "I learned the hard way about safety," He said sheepishly. Now he is far more careful. But sometimes there are certain accidents that cannot be predicted or prevented. Once, a small dog came charging at him while they were carrying slabs into a home, and sunk his teeth into CJ's leg. He is very philosophical about it. "The little guy was just defending his territory."
CJ and David had their truck all loaded up for the day by the time we arrived, so we followed them to their first installation job. Moore stated that they travel over a wide area, and have many devoted customers. The site to which he led us was in Washington, New Jersey. They had just installed a new Silestone kitchen countertop with waterfall edge, and the Moore brothers were about to install a new tile backsplash. The owner, Darlene Monico informed us that CJ had "spent ten hours working with us, to make sure he knew exactly what we wanted." Before he started, he showed Darlene the design, to verify that what he was about to do met with her approval. He checked with the homeowner every step of the way. Ms. Monico and her daughter Julia (who was the Acting Quality Control Specialist) were very satisfied, and even sent us some additional photographs showing off the finished results. CJ has recently branched out into tile installation, but has built up a good client base. Moore Stone also does lauan templates, and is equipped with a Laser Products LT-55 laser templating system. "We can template over 250 square feet a day with that machine."
The next day we attended a kitchen countertop installation, consisting of a two-piece countertop and backsplash. CJ and David were efficient and professional, and the Juparana Gold granite was maneuvered into place and installed in record time, to the amazement of the owner.
Moore now has television experience added to his resume: his work appeared on "George to the Rescue," a home improvement program aired on LXTV, an affiliate of NBC. The episode, "Sandy's Home Makeover," was filmed in the Bronx in March of 2011. Moore installed the kitchen countertop, subcontracting and donating his time to the program, which provides home improvements to folks in need.
We met up with CJ and his family to say goodbye at his home in Ringwood, New Jersey. There we had the chance to admire the lovely kitchen he had installed, including the exotic Pompeii Granite countertops. We also had the chance to meet Lina, his wife, who not only works as Office Manager, but also works in Customer Relations and as Design Consultant for the company, as well as general CEO. She is very proud of the work her husband has done, and has watched his business grow from a two-man operation to its current status as a corporation. Although occasionally her husband must remain at home to do the necessary paperwork in order to run a business, most days finds him on the road, doing the work he loves.
It's gratifying that a young man of 30 can create a successful business from the ground up, especially in today's market. But once you've met CJ Moore, it's not surprising.
For more information on Moore Stone and the George to the Rescue Show segment, visit the websites www.moorestoneinc.com and www.nbcnewyork.com/the-scene/real-estate/george-to-the-rescue.html