Geriatric Delinquency?
Anne Tenna
Resident Senior Volunteer

The police in Idaho think they might have solved a year long "condiment crime spree" investigation.

Authorities said a 74-year-old Boise woman arrested after pouring mayonnaise in the Ada County library's book drop box is a person of interest in at least 10 other condiment-related crimes.

Joy L. Cassidy was picked up at the library, moments after police say she pulled through the outside drive-through and dumped a jar of mayo in the drop box designated for returning reading materials.

Cassidy was released from jail and faces a misdemeanor charge of malicious injury to property.

Boise police say Cassidy is under investigation for other cases of vandalism that started in May 2009. Library employees have reported finding books in the drop box covered in corn syrup and ketchup.

How many times have you gotten in an elevator only to discover that all the buttons have been pressed? Have you ever grabbed an item off a supermarket shelf and realized that it had been vandalized? These are common pranks that you can only assume are performed by people who otherwise don't have anything else better to do with their time.

I may be somewhat old-fashioned and "set in my ways," but you would think that a 74-year-old person could find more ways to be a productive citizen rather than doing something so juvenile as destroying public property.

There are so many non-profit organizations that could benefit from the volunteer services of those who have a little extra time to spare and the desire to contribute to society instead of being a burden to society.

Public libraries are an excellent place to offer your free time or to help with summer book sales. Sometimes just reading to children or helping to show someone how to find the books they need on the library computers are constructive ways to assist others. Perhaps part of Cassidy's sentence should be cleaning off the books she's ruined!

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