East Tennessee police said a Knoxville woman who was later arrested for cocaine possession initially told an officer that she had been eating a powdered doughnut.
The Maryville Daily Times reported that a 21-year-old woman was arrested and charged with possession of a Schedule II substance with intent to sell or deliver. She was also cited for driving on a suspended driver's license, driving without proof of insurance, failure to maintain her lane of traffic and possession of drug paraphernalia.
According to an Alcoa police report, a field test on the substance indicated that the white powder she put in her mouth as an officer approached the car was cocaine, not a sugary pastry. (If she thought cops don't know doughnut dust when they see it, she's dumber than a doorpost.)
She was being held in the Blount County Jail on a $12,250 bond pending a court hearing that following Monday.
Source: The Daily Times,