The purse a Florida school board member used to smack a man who was holding other board members at gunpoint has sold for more than $13,000 in a recent auction.
Authorities say the Brahmin purse Ginger Littleton used Dec. 14 in an unsuccessful attempt to disarm gunman Clay Duke after sneaking up on him sold for $13,100 on eBay. The buyer lives in Alexandria, Virginia, and asked to remain anonymous.
The purse manufacturer, based in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, says it will match the bid. That means the charity founded by Mike Jones, the security guard who shot and wounded Duke before the man killed himself, will get a total of $26,200 from the sale. The purse is from the discontinued Almond Collection, with an original retail price of $345.
Source: WJHG-TV
I certainly hope that I can speak for all women when I say that there is nothing more gratifying than having the perfect purse. In that, I mean one that's fully functional. You can carry everything you might need from a checkbook, brush and comb, make-up purse, pens, hankies, cell phone, car and house keys, to envelopes with bills that need paying, and a wallet with cash, credit cards and coupons.
Of course, it should also be very stylish and able to blend with almost any ensemble, compact enough to fit in most desk drawers, and sturdy enough to keep all contents intact, yet also have everything easily accessible.
Being able to use it as a secret weapon is always a plus! I have to say that taking on the challenge of disarming a gunman with Ms. Littleton's fully-stocked hand bag is a very brave, if not dangerous, decision. Luckily for her, the attempt did not end as badly as it could have.
But what better way to show support for heroics than to raise money for the charity involved? Mike Jones has run his annual "Salvage Santa" event since 1983--fixing up thrown-out merchandise from a local department store and providing needy children with toys for the holiday season. Looks like this year a lot more tots will have more of these toys provided to them!