A South Florida woman has been charged with calling in a bomb threat to keep her boss from missing a flight.
An arrest report said a 31-year-old woman was charged with making a false report of planting a bomb. Miami International Airport officials received a call and an e-mail claiming that a bomb was on an American Airlines plane. Police searched the specified aircraft but didn't find a bomb.
Investigators tracked the e-mail to the woman's computer.
During questioning, the woman reportedly told police that her boss had been booked on the flight to Honduras, but she had caused him to be late for the flight. She thought the bomb threat would give her boss time to make it.
The woman was being held on $7,500 bail.
Source: The Miami Herald, http://www.herald.com
Over the holidays, I traveled by air to visit family and friends whom I haven't had the chance to see in ages. Thankfully my flights to and fro went without a hitch, but when I got back home and noticed the news reports about an attempted terrorist attack on a plane from Europe that landed in Detroit, I got cold chills down my spine! Of course I couldn't help wondering "what if" that had been one of my flights and "what if" this flight (or mine) had been disasterous? There have been so many near attempts and successes that it's best not to think of them while traveling.
When Rufus told me about this incident of calling in a bomb threat to delay a flight, I wondered if all the current threats are not bothersome enough for some people? Is having your job on the line really worth scaring a group of people half to death and then serving jail time? Nowadays, we have enough to worry about without thoughtless, selfish folks taking extreme means to see that their boss boards a plane and doesn't fire them for incompetence.