Investigators believe a cat who liked to sleep on top of a toaster oven started a kitchen fire in port townsend by depressing the toaster lever.
Lois Lund told The Peninsula Daily News that she doesn't hold a grudge against her cat, Osiris. Lund said he had been sleeping on top of the oven to avoid a pet dog and probably stepped on the lever.
Lund heard the fire early one Sunday morning and was able to put it out with a garden hose.
Fire investigator Kurt Steinbach said the fire undoubtedly originated in the toaster oven that had been left on.
Fortunately, the cat escaped unharmed, and no other humans or pets were hurt in the fire.
Source: Peninsula Daily News
That kitty sure knows how to get warm on a cold winter night, but doesn't have the whole concept of temperature control down pat yet. He probably needs a few lessons on how to be a responsible citizen by using less energy. Perhaps he and the dog could both benefit by some non-credit courses; the dog could certainly use a seminar on Anger Management.
This does raise some questions: Does Lois keep her house warm enough? Can her cat get to class, and where does it keep the bus fare? Can the cat and dog ever have a good working relationship? Inquiring minds want to know-or this inquiring mind, at least..