A Fool and His Paint are Soon Tasered

A Cheyenne, WY man who doused himself with white latex paint in hopes of avoiding a police Taser was hit with the stun gun anyway.

The Taser chase happened Sept. 16, when Cheyenne police went to Brian Mattert's house on a domestic violence call. The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports that when police arrived, Mattert thought they'd use a Taser on him, so he hastily covered himself in paint and told officers that if they shot him with the stun gun, he'd die.

Officers replied the paint wouldn't affect the taser's capability. According to police, Mattert then scuffled with officers and was hit with a Taser twice before officers could handcuff him.

He faces several criminal charges. Police say the officers' uniforms had to be cleaned.

Source: Wyoming Tribune Eagle Cheyenne, http:// www.wyomingnews.com

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