InovaCrete™ System Earns A
Place in Sweets Online
Construction Network Guide

The Covenant Presbyterian Church floor restoration project is one of several Superabrasive projects featured on McGraw-Hill Construction's Sweets Network, or . The site includes details about the InovaCrete™ products, specs for installation, and before-and-after photographs. The Sweets Network is a comprehensive, online resource used by architects, design professionals, contractors, and others wanting reliable and up-to-date information about building products like doors, windows, light fixtures, flooring, and landscaping construction. The site contains a wealth of technical information, with an overview of more than 80,000 products. Included is green information, photo galleries, specs, color charts, warranties, BIM and CAD information, continuing education units, and other details.

"More and more architects and designers are using the Sweets Network to help them figure out what products will work best for their projects," said George Georgiev, president of Superabrasive. "We're pleased to be included there."

Architects, designers and contractors refer to the Sweets Network at when choosing a particular construction process, material or effect for a project. Specifications for the InovaCrete System is now available online with the Sweets Network.

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