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2|OctOber 2020 Sarto
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“Fortunately, though, we were blessed in a way, because my partner had done a project previ- ously with a software developer, and in our third year in business, he concluded that using the avail- able software was ridiculous, and because of our digital production process we should just develop our own. We were a young com- pany, and not set in our ways, un- like so many older companies that have had a way that’s worked for them for many years. But this in- dustry is changing so rapidly and, again, being so new in the indus- try, we were excited to be able to develop software.”
The Advent of EasedEdge
Being so busy with a fledgling but growing company, Sep and Robert put the idea of home-built software aside, at least for a little while, until it became an absolute necessity by the beginning of year four. It’s also when they got to- gether with software engineer Ben Strong, recalled Sep.
“The biggest advantage to us building this software was be- cause we were fabricators and we knew exactly what we wanted, and as we grew in leaps and bounds and our needs and wants evolved quickly, we felt that software had to do that also, and not hinder our growth. Robert and I are very flexible and very quick to realize that if an idea doesn’t work, we will change it, revamp it or scrap it! At no point are we ever set on what a good idea is, and not afraid to admit when something doesn’t work. Our industry is unique, be- cause not only do we have to esti- mate and invoice, we also have to
Ben Strong: "When you launch the app, the first thing that comes on screen is the dashboard – a snapshot of where all the jobs are. At a glance, you can see how many jobs are on leads, how many are getting old, and you also can see how many jobs have alerts or holdups.” Inset: This screen shows a typical week of jobs scheduled for install. If a customer calls or emails wanting to know when their kitchen is going to be installed, the person scheduling does not have to walk out to the shop to find out what stage a job is at. That information is just a mouse click away.
Sarto Countertops currently has about 40 employees, throughout all departments. All are connected through the Easededge portal, whether on desktop or their smart phone.
keep track of inventory, template, fabricate and install while track- ing the job from start to finish. So there’s a bunch of different de- partments and lots of information, and being able to put all that in- formation in one place minimizes mistakes.”
It took about eight months of development before EasedEdge was rolled out within the com- pany and all departments were
Slippery rOck Gazette
switched over. According to Sep, it immediately made a huge, huge difference.
“Being able to consolidate everything in one place was key for everyone to know what they needed to do next. This feature alone is the big- gest thing that sets EasedEdge apart from other software, and when combined with other in- formation, has allowed us to get our CNC and waterjet pro- duction to its peak and con- tinue to grow our bottom line at a 150 percent per year pace. Furthermore, it’s allowed me and my partner to reach our goal of us not having to be a daily part of the process, because we built the whole process into the software. No one needs to pick my brain
for information anymore, because EasedEdge is a holding place for all of our information and pro- cesses, and all we have to do is grow and modify and tweak that process inside the software to ac- commodate the new level of vol- ume that we reach every month. It’s all-encompassing, easy to use and mobile friendly, and it’s been an absolute game changer. It has built-in flexibility that can grow with you or be scaled back to accommodate your specific needs, whether your shop output is three kitchens per day or twenty kitchens per day. Furthermore, as for pricing, be it wholesale, re- tail, homeowner or commercial, is also broken down for ease of estimating.
“The other big benefit is get- ting everyone onboard. With EasedEdge there is no more print- ing out paperwork, sending out emails or communicating verbally to pass information to others in the company.
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