Page 29 - May Slippery Rock Gazette
P. 29
Slippery rock Gazette
Revisiting Hope, New Jersey
May 2020|29
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Continued from page 28
Also being built during this time were two farms that were needed to supply not only the food for Hope’s growing population, but the grain needed to keep the now fully-functional grist mill in production. Soon to follow were the two kilns needed for the mass manufacturing of brick and mortar, and a store to accommodate the growing community.
By 1773, the construc- tion of three more limestone buildings was underway all
within earshot of the mill: a tannery, a brewery and a dis- tillery. By 1775, two houses had also been constructed out of the local limestone. The second of these two houses was home to Stephen Nicolaus, the builder and op- erator of the kilns, and also was used as a school and where town residents could come to bake the day’s bread in the large community bee- hive oven. The town was growing, and houses were now steadily rising in lock- step with that growth.
Most Moravian-built structures can be identi- fied by the signature brick arches above the windows and the cut and place- ment of the cornerstones. The limestone quarry was under a mile away and the limestone blocks were de- livered by draft horses and wagon. Mortar was made at the kiln with a mixture of ground limestone and locally dug clay.
It is noteworthy to men- tion that the Moravians du- tifully worshiped 2-3 times per day, but at this point, no place of worship had yet been constructed. The Gemeinhous, their church, also called a “Sall”, was built in 1781 and served as a community center, cul- tural center, and dormitory for out of town visitors, as well as the residence for the presiding minister and his family. Townspeople could come here for the Good Word and the good food that was prepared in the two kitchens, while keep- ing up with the day’s news, socializing, or meeting with out-of-town businessmen there to purchase locally produced goods.
It was now the turn of the century, and a school had finally been built as well as a sawmill, an oil mill and a pottery, again, all within earshot of the gristmill.
Please turn to page 35
2020 “Stone of the
Year” Announced
been chosen as the 2020 Natural Stone Institute Stone of the Year. The stone will be featured on 2020 member certificates, membership code of ethics, and association marketing materials throughout the year.
Tesoro Bianco by Zucchi is a stunning and luxurious white marble quarried from a special site in the southeast region of Brazil where its small vein of pure white nat- ural stone is found. Tesoro Bianco is a rare kind of mar- ble composed of 80% dolo- mite. It is one of the densest and most resistant marbles found in South America. Its dominant pure white color palette is balanced with oc- casional light blue crystals and is suitable for interior and exterior applications.
esoro Bianco marble
by Granitos Zucchi has
For more information on Tesoro Bianco and the Natural Stone Institute’s Stone of the Year program, visit www.naturalstonein-
The Natural Stone Institute is a trade association rep- resenting every aspect of the natural stone industry. Learn more at www.natu-
This trim cottage with a natural slate roof was built in 1776. The front and side porches are modern additions.