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Slippery Rock Gazette
Stone Restoration Corner
Continued from page 22
It is most always easier, more cost-effec- tive, and with better appearance, to main- tain stone naturally than it is to maintain a coating.
As always and before beginning any new project, I recommend submitting a test area to confirm the results and the proce- dure, prior to starting a stone or hard sur- face restoration/maintenance project. Also, the best way to help ensure success is by partnering with a good distributor, like BB Industries, that knows the business. They can help with technical support, product purchase decisions, logistics, and other per- tinent project information.
Bob Murrell has worked in the natural stone industry for over 40 years and is well known for his expertise in natural stone, tile, and decorative concrete restoration and mainte- nance. He helped develop some of the main products and processes which revolutionized the industry, and is currently the Director of Operations for M3 Technologies.
Send your comments and questions to Bob at attn: .
Now is the Time
January 2024 | 23
          Continued from page 12
• Is your non-UV resistant material stored away from direct sunlight?
• Are your remnant pieces stored neatly or just put wherever there is a spot?
• Do you have any faded material, or material that is in all actuality too small to really do anything with that can be dis- posed of?
• Are they up to date on routine mainte- nance like oil changes and inspections? • Do they need any special maintenance? (Have you been putting off fixing that cracked windshield, fixing that minor coolant leak, or repairing the heat and A/C?)
• Do all their lights and electronics work properly?
• Are they relatively clean and neat on the inside? (Yes, I know they are work vehicles but sometimes they get too trashy and that reflects negatively on your business.)
• Is everyone familiar with the company procedures and processing steps?
• Do all employees understand company policies? (And perks, for that matter.)
• If company uniforms or clothing is pro- vided, is it still in good condition and does it fit well? (With the understanding that some team members may get VERY dirty.)
• Do all employees know who the HR person is in case they need HR for what- ever reason?
• Do all employees understand the chain of command?
All businesses have ebbs and flows. If it’s not January/February, it may be some other time. No matter when it happens, use it as a chance to take stock of what is going on around you. Slow time does not have to be useless time. Slow time can be productive time, maybe just in a different way.
Please send your thoughts and com- ments on this article to Sharon Koehler at .
Continued from page 18
Now I understood why she wanted me there.
I looked up at the side of the building, and sure enough, there were empty spaces where the panel had fallen. It was obvi- ous why it had failed, so I told her and the insurance adjuster the following. The slabs were installed using what the industry calls the ‘dab method.’ In other words, they place little dabs of mortar on the substrate and then place the stone. The problem with this method is that it is not a recognized or code-approved method and can lead to all kinds of problems. First and foremost, pan- els of this nature on the outside of a build- ing should be mechanically anchored and not just adhered with setting mortar. Later, I would also discover that the wrong setting mortar was used. “I bet this was a low bid- der job,” I thought.
I told her I would write up a report, but she needed to contact her homeowner’s insurance as well and possibly an attorney. Another case solved, and now every time I hear the Chicken Little tale, I will think of this situation. Luckily, no one got hurt.
The Stone Detective is a fictional character created by Dr. Frederick M. Hueston, PhD, written to entertain and educate. Dr. Fred has written over 33 books on stone and tile instal- lations, fabrication and restoration and also serves as an expert for many legal cases across the world. Send your comments to fhueston@
      “Elections should be held on April 16th- the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders.” –Thomas Sowell
• Are the wraps and signage on your vehicles that advertise your business clean with up-to-date information and readable?
• Are the outsides of your vehicles in decent shape with no large dents, peel- ing paint, or scrapes?
• Is everyone on the same page? Does the receptionist say what the installer says and is that what the salesperson would say as well?
The Stone Detective

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