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Slippery Rock Gazette February 2024 | 9
 Training & Education
 Getting from Point A to Point B
Getting from Point A to Point B re- quires we go through Point C. Let me explain.
One of my favorite business books is Good to Great, by Jim Collins. In chapter eight, Collins introduces “The Flywheel” concept. Flywheels are used to store energy and provide the inertia needed to get through hard times. When you get a flywheel spinning it is hard to stop it. Collin’s flywheel concept is about cre- ating the focus and constancy in pur- pose required to significantly change the course of the business and enable it to preserver through the hard times.
My first introduction to a flywheel was as a kid with the playground merry-go-round.
As many kids as possible would pile on and then the biggest kids would start pushing, slowly at first, then gradually building momentum as they got the mass of metal and kids turning. Eventually they would have the merry-go-round spin- ning so fast it would start flinging kids off, breaking arms and teeth, while oth- ers were getting motion sickness and screaming to please stop! Ahhh, the good ole days!
The problem with the merry-go-round was how to stop the darn thing from spin- ning so those hurt and ill kids could get off. It wasn’t easy!
The playground merry-go-round is a lesson in inertia and non-linear effects. At first, all the efforts at pushing to get it spinning seem to be having little effect, then suddenly it starts getting easier and easier before it seemingly just takes off.
The issue Collins is addressing with his Flywheel analogy is management’s impa- tience and desire for immediate results.
Diagram 1
 Rick Phelps
Synchronous Solutions
  Unwilling to wait for the inertia to build up, managers decide “it’s not working,” and they change direction. Change initia- tives. It’s like starting to push the merry- go-round clockwise, decide it’s too hard, and switch to counterclockwise. The busi- ness never gets to build the momentum necessary to get through the hard times.
We humans are linear thinkers. We believe the path from Point A to Point B is the linear path shown by the arrow in the diagram above on the left. We undertake the initiative to get to Point B and in time we arrive at Point C, in Diagram 2. We perceive “It’s not working,” so manage- ment becomes disillusioned and decides to try something else instead.
The problem isn’t with the initiative, it’s with our understanding of the world. Few things in life are actually linear in nature. The compounding effect of efforts (or interest, in the case of money) takes time to realize. Getting the merry-go-round spinning is a non-linear process. The energy stored is mv2, meaning the effect of pushing the merry-go-round on its energy is compounding.
Please turn to page 11
 Diagram 2
How we conceive the pathway
Going from Point A to Point B
In time, we get to Point C
Going from Point A to Point B
 Training and Education
 National Stone Institute Announces 2024 Stone Industry Education Series
 The Natural Stone Institute and Stone World magazine are pleased to announce the schedule for the 2024 Stone Industry Education Series.
Stone Summits will be led by indus- try leaders and will cover a wide range of topics relevant to fabricators, including stone shop management, business diversi- fication, and ways to increase efficiency. Attendees will have the opportunity to source products from event sponsors and hosts and will benefit from dedicated net- working time.
2024 Stone Industry Education Series:
Florida Stone Summit: Analyzing Shop Performance
February 15
Pompano Beach, FL
Host: Marble of the World
California Stone Summit: Fabricator Town Hall
March 7
North Hollywood, CA
Host: Pacific Shore Stones
Alabama Stone Summit: Take Your Organization to the Next Level April 4
Birmingham, AL
Host: Triton Stone Group
New Jersey Stone Summit: Fabricator Town Hall May 9
Jamesburg, NJ
Host: Architectural Surfaces
Colorado Stone Summit: Dynamic Intentionality June 6
Denver, CO
Host: Architectural Surfaces
Wisconsin Stone Summit: Know Your Business
July 11
Oak Creek, WI
Host: UGM Surfaces
Ohio Stone Summit: Dynamic Intentionality September 19 Columbus, OH
Host: MSI
Washington Stone Summit: Fabricator Town Hall
October 10
Kent, WA
Host: MSI
Texas Stone Summit: Know Your Business
November 7
Dallas, TX
Host: Arizona Tile
For more information about events, speakers, and sponsorship opportunities, visit
The Natural Stone Institute is a trade asso- ciation representing every aspect of the nat- ural stone industry. The current membership exceeds 2,000 members in over 50 nations. The association offers a wide array of tech- nical and training resources, professional development opportunities, regulatory advo- cacy, and networking events. Two prominent publications—the Dimension Stone Design Manual and Building Stone Magazine—raise awareness within the natural stone industry and in the design community for best prac- tices and uses of natural stone. Learn more at

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