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Special Features in this Issue...
SLIPPERY ROCK GAZETTE® The Voice of the Stone Fabricator
Slippery rock Gazette
Grace Hunt
Rick Stimac, CEO of BB Industries is Keynote speaker for the 2023 ActionFlow Retreat.
year, providing fabricators with at least 3-5 key thoughts or action items to bring back to their shop that will improve the lives of the owners, their employees, and their customers. The stone community is hardworking, niche, gritty, and always looking to improve, and we want the retreat to be a place that fosters those characteristics through forming and strengthening relationships. Last but not least, we don’t want to miss the oppor- tunity to celebrate our community and we plan on having a ton of fun doing so! Join us for great food, drink, and high-speed go-karting!
We heard great feedback last year and are looking to make it bigger and better this year!
Comments from last year’s attendees:
“Flow of the event was great and no hiccups. There was great camaraderie all around between ActionFlow workers and users.”
“Fantastic team and excellent culture!”
If you would like to be part of making this event and be involved in important conversa- tions with fabricators, reach out to grace@actionf regarding sponsorships.
Registration opens January 2023, and we can’t wait to see you there!
   Julie Warren Conn Explores the Power of Expression in Stone, by Peter J. Marcucci ............ Begins on 1 Cochise Marble – A Surprise in the Arizona Desert, by Karin Kirk ............................................. Begins on 1
Training, Safety and Education
Non-Traditional Ways to Grow Your Countertop Shop in 2023, by Stephen Alberts ............ Begins on 5 Planning for Success, by Ed Young.............................................................................................................................. 6 How Do You Get Your 101st Train? by Rick Phelps ........................................................................................... 10 Industry Calendar of Events and Training: December 2022 – January 2023................................................. 20
Industry Topics, Tips and Featured Columns
I Hate SPAM Texts! by Sharon Koehler ............................................................................................................... 11 The Stone Detective – Solves the Case of ‘That’s Too Much!’ by Frederick M. Hueston .......................13 Stone Restoration and Maintenance Corner, by Bob Murrell ..................................................... Begins on 17 We Wish You and Yours a Merry Summer Vacation, by Sam Venable .................................... Begins on 19
Industry News
ActionFlow Announces 2023 Profits and Peace Retreat, by Grace Hunt ................................................... 4 Weha Offers New Galvanized Work Table ........................................................................................................ 10
NSI Publishes First Industry-Wide Environmental Product Declaration and Health Product Declarations for Natural Stone ............................................................................................................................ 12
Martin Howard Receives NTCA Ring of Honor ............................................................................................. 16 Natural Stone Institute Completes 45th Home with Gary Sinise Foundation ....................................... 17 Three Companies Join Natural Stone Foundation Leadership Society .................................................... 24 New Products from Arizona Tile ........................................................................................................................ 25
Marketplace ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Classified Ads ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
WEare excited to an- nounce the 2nd Annual ActionFlow Profits and Peace Retreat on April 25-26th, 2023 at St. Charles Convention Center in St. Louis, Missouri! With sessions, workshops, and discussions on how ActionFlow can help shops solve key busi- ness management problems and implement best practices in the stone industry, the retreat equips fabricators to leverage software for increased profits and peace. While primarily geared towards ActionFlow users, it is open to those interested in improving ef-
ficiency with technology.
Rick Stimac, CEO of BB Industries, will be the keynote speaker. By implementing strate- gic leadership and operating sys- tems in multiple companies with results that surpassed expecta- tion, Rick has learned what it takes to grow a business firmly and sustainably. Rick’s exten- sive experience in key executive roles combined with experience in the stone industry will provide unique insight into honing busi- ness operations for fabricators and sponsors alike.
Alongside Rick, the platinum sponsors, Fabricator’s Choice and Synchronous Solutions, each bring expertise that we have seen, first-hand, deliver systemic, last- ing change to fabricators that reduces chaos and delivers prof- its. Last year, additional sponsors, Paysimple, Northwood Machine, SpeedLabel, and Pinpoint Status, brought their own perspectives to conversations on making the life of a fabricator easier. We value the voice of the sponsors, and their partnership helps make the retreat possible.
We have been and will continue to work hard to make this event highly professional, impactful, and fun. We are excited to con- tinue building on the previous
     Contributors & Staff
Rick Stimac
Larry M. Hood
G. William Brown Stephen Alberts Mark Anderson
Ed Hill
Frederick M. Hueston Grace Hunt
Karin Kirk
Sharon Koehler Rufus B. Leakin Peter J. Marcucci Bob Murrell
Rick Phelps
Ed Young
Sam Venable
Publisher Editor and Design Director Graphic Designer Countertop Marketing Co. Department of Humor Synchronous Solutions Stone Forensics Investigations ActionFlow Geologist Stone Industry Consultant Guru of Urban Folklore Special Contributor Restoration Consultant ActionCoach, Synchronous Solutions Fabricator’s Business Coach Department of Irony
ActionFlow Announces 2023 Profits and Peace Retreat
   Read our online edition at . Use the Classifieds / department tabs to place a classified ad, and the article links to view stories in the the current issue. Send advertising inquiries to, and comments c/o Subscription requests, a classified ad submission form, current and archived back issues and articles are available online at

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