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24|decemBer 2022
SlIppery rock GazeTTe
Man Bites Dog – Yes, Really
Police in Germany said one Friday they detained a man for resisting arrest and for biting a service dog.
Officers were called to a dispute between two 29-year-old men and a 35-year-old woman in the western town of Ginsheim- Gustavsburg shortly after midnight.
The trio acted in an “extremely aggres- sive and uncooperative” fashion, police said in a statement. Officers were only able to overpower one of the men by using “massive physical force,” it said.
“In the course of resisting arrest, the 29-year-old man also bit a police dog,” the statement said, adding that the canine did not sustain any serious injuries.
Meanwhile, the 35-year-old woman injured a police officer with a punch to the face. All three were detained and spent the rest of the night in jail to sober up.
hree companies have joined the
worldwide must be supported. TAB appre- Leadership Society of the Natural
ciates everything the Natural Stone T
Stone Foundation at the Gold level,
Foundation does for natural stone. The an honor given to companies and individ-
association is a resource center of accred- uals who have donated between $20,000-
itation, education, testing, and stan- $49,999 to the Foundation. The Natural
dards, and together with the Natural Stone Stone Foundation is pleased to welcome
Foundation they bring all of us together as the following companies:
an industry. 25 years as a member, and we will continue to support NSI, the NSF, and
    “Rosa Parks was a woman of strength, conviction, and morality. Her action on December 1, 1955, to defy the law made her a leading figure in our nation’s civil rights history.” — John Shimkus
Three Companies Join Natural Stone Foundation Leadership Society
 Alpha Professional Tools
“Alpha Professional Tools has been an active member of the Natural Stone Institute since 1988 and shares a simi- lar philosophy: support and preserve the stone industry through developing qual- ity products, education, safety, and men- toring leaders to carry on the trade. The Natural Stone Foundation along with everyone’s generosity, will continue to set the standard in the industry for future gen- erations to enjoy.” — Mindy Wessel, Alpha Professional Tools
Precision Stone
“All of us at Precision Stone are proud to support the Natural Stone Foundation for their continued efforts to support and edu- cate those of us in the stone industry. They bring a level of professionalism and lead- ership to our industry that is critical to its sustainability and continued growth. With all of the many challenges we all face it is wonderful to have an organization like the NSF for support.”—Jonathan Tibett, Precision Stone
“An organization that works tirelessly on behalf of the natural stone industry
their efforts.”— Amit & Sumit Gupta, TAB The Natural Stone Foundation is the phil-
anthropic arm of the Natural Stone Institute and plays a critical role in helping the industry implement innovative solutions and providing funding to make them pos- sible. Funding priorities for the Foundation include education and scholarships, natural stone promotion, and standards. To learn more about the Foundation, view a full list of donors, and learn how you can make a donation, visit www.naturalstoneinstitute. org/foundation.
The Natural Stone Institute is a trade association representing every aspect of the natural stone industry. The current mem- bership exceeds 2,000 members in over 50 nations. The association offers a wide array of technical and training resources, professional development opportuni- ties, regulatory advocacy, and networking events. Two prominent publications— the Dimension Stone Design Manual and Building Stone Magazine—raise aware- ness within the natural stone industry and in the design community for best practices and uses of natural stone. Learn more at
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