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Slippery rock Gazette December 2020|31 Coldspring: Making Stone Industry History for 130 Years
A disastrous explosion and fire at the Royal Granite operation becomes an opportunity to merge Royal and Melrose divi- sions into one.
An 11-story mosaic mural at the University of Notre Dame is completed.
An unprecedented boom in office building construction begins – this significantly in- creased the granite industry as granite became the pre- ferred material.
Tom Alexander retires; Pat- rick D. Alexander becomes President of Cold Spring Granite and begins rebuilding the company with new tech- nology to make it more com- petitive.
Patrick D. Alexander named Cold Spring Granite President in 1983, CEO and Chairman of the Board in 1996.
Work begins on the Franklin Delano Roosevelt memorial to be constructed in Wash- ington DC. Cold Spring Gran- ite acquires red granite quar- ry in Fredericksburg, TX.
The new Granite West plant designed for mass produc- tion of thin granite for build- ing products opens. Capitol Marble and Granite, in Gran- ite Shoals, Texas is acquired, which adds 7 more quarries.
A second manufacturing fa- cility is opened next to the Granite West plant for mon- ument production. Cold Spring Granite receives ISO 9001 cer- tification. Pat Alexander be- comes Chairman of the Board and CEO and names Patrick J. Mitchell President and COO of the company.
Patrick J. Mitchell
Korean War Memorial, dedicated 1995
2000–Opening of the Mesabi Black and Lake Superior Green quarries.
LEAN principles are adopted using Toyota’s Kaizen meth- odology and a continuous im- provement promotions office (CIPO) is introduced as a learn- ing and doing function. The first phase of a new Foundry for finishing bronze memorials is completed on the west cam- pus with a second phase to fol- low in 2002.
Pat Mitchell steps down and John Mattke is named the next President of Coldspring.
Several new product lines, design series and merchandising systems accelerates the growth of the bronze business.
The majority of the company’s operational consolidation from downtown Cold Spring to the new Campus 2-1/2 miles west of Cold Spring is complete with the office, support services and the quarry system to come the following year. The move be- yond granite to expanding into limestone and other materials is begun with the introduction of Kasota Valley® Limestone.
2007-2008 The move into a new LEED Gold certified office headquarters is completed in November of 2007 with the support services move completed the following spring.
The Adams Private Estate be- comes a signature project – Mr. Adams is the owner of the Ten- nessee Titans NFL franchise.
Completion of Ralph Carr Col- orado Judicial Center and MLK Memorials, both signature projects. Further expanding into limestone, sandstones and other resource alternatives. Opening of Echo Lake quarry, Diamond Equipment expansion and start of World Trade Cen- ter project.
John Mattke steps down as President of Coldspring and as- sumes a new role as a member of the Coldspring Board of Di- rectors and President of Stone Panels International LLC. Greg Flint becomes President and COO of Coldspring. Major proj- ects completed in 2017 include the West Point Cadet Barracks and National Museum of Afri- can American History and Cul- ture.
West Point Cadet Barracks
Milbank Quarry in Milbank, SD awarded ANSI/NSC 373 Stan- dard Gold Quarrier certifica- tion.
      Ralph Carr Colorado Judicial Center
Growth initiatives are begin- ning to take hold. Quarry Ma- terials including jetty, rip-rap and aggregates, improving in- ternational block sales. The strategic re-branding of Cold Spring Granite to Coldspring.
Rose Alexander passes away at the age of 94, signaling the end of an era of the second generation Alexander family.
Stone Panels International LLC becomes a wholly-owned sub- sidiary of Coldspring.
           Coldspring awarded ANSI/NSC 373 Certification Gold Fabrica- tor for Cold Spring, MN head- quarters and Platinum Quarri- er for Mesabi Black®, Charcoal Black® and Rockville® quarries.

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