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P. 20
20|December 2020
NTCA Tile Setter Craftspersons of the Year
Slippery rock Gazette
Oops, My Bad
Tennessee officials acciden- tally listed 13 pallets of coro- navirus testing materials and other supplies on a government auction site, officials admitted.
The state listed the items on, a government liq- uidation website, but promptly re- moved them after Nashville news- paper The Tennessean asked about the auction. Officials told the news- paper the listing was accidental.
The auction listing was the “re- sult of an internal processing mis- take,” said Dean Flener, spokesman for the state’s COVID-19 Unified Command Team. He said the sup- plies should have been stored but were inadvertently labeled as sur- plus and so were listed for auction.
“The State of Tennessee’s ware- house has separate sections for storage and for surplus material to be sold,” Flener said in an email. “During an internal movement of items, these pallets were identified as surplus when they should have remained in storage.”
The auction had received one generous bid for $150 before the items were removed, the newspa- per reported.
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Inglehart said Reynaga’s go-getter attitude propelled him to success.
“Today, with over 24 years in the trade, Leo has become a top setter for commercial and residential appli- cations,” Inglehart said, in her nom- ination letter. “It is rare to have one guy the best at projects requiring vast differences from small to large areas, simple to custom details- and he’s got it.” His positive attitude, product knowledge, continuing quest for ed- ucation and experience and willing- ness to motivate and encourage oth- ers has distinguished him as a leader.
Reynaga said that receiving the award demonstrates that “no matter what age or time in your career you could always achieve. This award shows my family and coworkers that if you have dedication, hard work, and love for your craft you will succeed.”
For more information about the National Tile Council of America, visit .
Leo Reynaga headed the exterior portion of this project, the Hoffman residence in Fresno, California, consisting of Versailles Pattern 3CM travertine pavers running through the edges of the pool deck. His expert ability to prep the substrate made it an easy call to put him on the job. The homeowner wanted joints as tight as pos- sible, despite the size and variation of the stone.
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