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P. 19
Slippery Rock Gazette
August 2024 | 19
Making Up for Lost Time
Apocket watch formerly belonging to Teddy Roosevelt has been found after going missing for over three decades. The silver pocket watch was a prized possession of Theodore Roosevelt, a keepsake given to him by his sister and her husband in 1898 before he became president that would travel with him around the world and end up at Sagamore Hill — his home on Long Island, New York, and now a national his- toric site.
But in 1987, it went from museum piece to pilfered prize when someone stole it from an unlocked case at the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site in Buffalo, New York, where it was on loan.
It was a mystery that endured 36 years until it turned up at a Florida auction house last year and was turned over to federal agents. In early July, it was returned to pub- lic display at Sagamore Hill as the National Park Service and the FBI triumphantly announced it was back home during a cer- emony featuring Roosevelt’s great-grand- son, Tweed Roosevelt.
“This was feel-good news,” Tweed Roosevelt, 82, said Friday in a phone inter- view. “For me, it kind of felt like almost as if a piece of TR’s spirit being returned to Sagamore Hill, like a little bit of him was coming back. And so I felt that was really cool.”
Growing up, he said he didn’t know about the watch and only learned about it vaguely after it was stolen. He called it “unremark- able” in appearance, but priceless to his great grandfather.
“As it turns out, this isn’t just any old pocket watch,” he said. “It was a watch that TR placed great sentimental value on.”
The mystery of the watch’s disappear- ance, however, is not fully solved. It is still not clear who stole it and how. The Park Service and FBI only released details of its reappearance after an investigation.
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