Page 20 - April 2022 Slippery Rock Gazette
P. 20
20|April 2022
Slippery rock GAzette
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Architectural Carving/Lettering/Sculpture
Caryatid Sculpture - The Missing Maiden of Karyai
Drama, Greece
Natural Stone Institute Member Company
F.H.L.I. Kiriakidis Marbles – Granites Drama, Greece Stone Supplier/Sculptor
Thassos White marble
Judges Comments:
Great display
of craftsmanship. Innovative use of tech- nology and hand work, and laser scanning is a good way of blending the two approaches. Felt authentic. A dif- ficult quarry and even more difficult to find the perfect block to allow such quality of control. A little jewel.
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required, one which can be found only in the small Greek island of Thassos, known throughout the cen- turies for its sparkling and pure white marble.
The rareness of this all- white marble was chal- lenging, given the fact that the company wanted to
carve the statue from one piece. Detailed 3D mod- eling took over 30 days of carving time on the robotic machinery and over two months of careful hand fin- ishing in order to ”breathe life” into this emblem- atic 2.31m tall sculpture. F.H.L.I. Kiriakidis Marbles – Granites’ in-house sculp- tor, who studied at the mar- ble sculpturing school of Tinos, carefully carved all aspects of the headdress and the fluidly draping veil and tunic that are flattering this female figure.
This specific sculp- ture is one of the total six Caryatids or “maid- ens of Karyai,” maybe the most emblematic sculpture groups, highly recognizable and synonymous to ancient and modern Greece. The Caryatids are a perfect example of Hellenic sculp- turing and craftsmanship,
while proving the eter- nal sustainability of nat- ural stone and especially marble.
The “Six Daughters of Karyon” originally stood together for over 2,300 years at the south porch of the Erechtheion, at the Acropolis in Athens. The original sculpture of this “missing” Caryatid repli- cated by F.H.L.I. Kiriakidis Marbles - Granite has stood in the British Museum of London since the abduc- tion of Lord Elgin in 1801, while the other five sisters have remained united since 1979, in their original for- mation, at the Acropolis Museum in Athens. The empty spot (second from the left side) of the “miss- ing Caryatid” symbolizes the constant demand of her “sisters” to return to her rightful home.
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in Thassos marble using a robotic sculpturing machine and finished by hand. To create this one-to-one replica, careful selection of a suitable marble block was
his replica of the “missing” Caryatid statue is created