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Slippery rock GAzette
Definitive Guide to Quartzite
April 2020|15 Natural Stone Institute
Completes 26th Home with Gary Sinise Foundation
Left: Taj Mahal Quartzite. Right: Emperador Light marble. Although they look similar, these two stones have different mineral compositions and hardness.
The Natural Stone Institute has provided natural stone and fabrication services for two homes with the Gary Sinise Foundation’s R.I.S.E. program (Restoring Independence Supporting Empowerment). The R.I.S.E. program builds spe- cially adapted smart homes for severely wounded veterans and first responders. To date, Natural Stone Institute members have been involved in twenty-six com- pleted homes.
paper for hours and every day after. Now, through Chelsea’s inspiration to heal, Jeremy can stand and walk for short periods with adaptive equipment. This specially adapted smart home will allow Jeremy to continue to progress in reclaiming his independence.
Super White is dolomitic marble—which means it has some quartz mixed in, but it still etches and stains like marble.
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These simple tests will go a long way toward sorting out the mystery of quartzite. Plus, you get to do a little geo-detective work and learn about your stone in new ways.
Things that do not help distinguish quartzite from non-quartzite
The country of origin, price, or the name of a stone are not reli- able indicators of what type of rock you’ve got. In many cases, it’s not even possible to tell mar- ble and quartzite apart visually. That’s why the tests are so useful.
Quartzite and marble can look very similar, but they have dra- matically different properties. This is why testing the stones is the only assured way to tell them apart.
What’s the diff between quartzite and granite?
Granite is a whole separate cat- egory of rocks that form from liq- uid magma. Visually, granite has distinct flecks of darker colors in it, while quartzite has either no dark colors at all, or has subtle, flowing areas of different colors.
is mis-
labeled as granite, which is not the worst mistake because they have similar properties. Granite and quartzite are both harder than glass, and neither will be etched by acids. Geologically, they are different classes of rocks, but that is less important than how they will behave on a countertop or as floor tile.
What about Super White?
Super White is one of the stones that is frequently caught in the quartzite vs. marble mystery. Most commonly, Super White is dolomitic marble. That means it won’t scratch glass and it will etch with acids. Some Super White has minor amounts of quartz mixed in with the marble. But the rock is still marble and will act like marble. When doing the glass test with Super White, be sure to test a few different areas to get a sense for the overall rock. Is it all the same? Or are there some parts that are harder or softer?
Fantasy Brown
In most cases Fantasy Brown is marble. In a few instances, Fantasy Brown may contain minor areas of quartzite amid an
Retired Army Major Jeremy Haynes with family, and their new specially-adapted smart home.
overall composition of marble. If you suspect there may be some variation in a slab of Fantasy Brown, do the glass or acid tests on each area individually and you will be able to tell which layers are marble and which are quartzite.
Geology is your friend
The confusion surrounding quartzite and marble is under- standable. The stones look alike, and the abundance of conflicting information further muddies the water. Thankfully, the properties of quartzite make it easy to dis- tinguish from other stones. Try the tests and see what you find. Exploring the properties of dif- ferent stones can inspire confi- dence if you’re uncertain about a stone, or it can eliminate one from contention if it fails to meet your needs. Either way, being informed about your stone is the way to go. So roll up your sleeves and try out a little geology!
Karin Kirk is a geologist and science educator with over 20 years of experience and brings a different perspective to the stone industry. Karin is a reg- ular contributor to usenatural and the Slippery Rock Gazette. Contact her at .
Natural stone and fabrication services for Retired Army Major Jeremy Haynes were provided by MARVA, Virginia Marble & Granite, Washington Marble & Granite, and BMJ Stone.
Growing up in Albany, Georgia, Jeremy Haynes watched the hor- rific events of September 11, 2001 unfold from his Marine Corps JROTC class. That day, he vowed to serve his country.
Jeremy went on to earn a scholarship to Georgia Military College and commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. He deployed to Afghanistan, leaving at home his two children and then-preg- nant wife, Chelsea. On a mission in Kabul on August 5, 2014, an Afghan Military Soldier shot Jeremy four times, including once in his back. The shot to his spine severed Jeremy’s vena cava and 80% of the nerves to his lower extremities, paralyzing both legs. He has faced a long and painful recovery. One day, Jeremy wrote “I WILL WALK AGAIN” on a sheet of paper. He stared at that
Fifty-nine Natural Stone Institute members have donated their time, products, and services to this cause since 2016. A list of all donors can be found at www.
Stone companies interested in getting involved with future proj- ects are encouraged to contact Pam Hammond at pam@natural
The Natural Stone Institute is a trade association representing every aspect of the natural stone industry. The current membership exceeds 2,000 members in over 50 nations. The association offers a wide array of technical and train- ing resources, professional devel- opment opportunities, regulatory advocacy, and networking events. Two prominent publications—the Dimension Stone Design Manual and Building Stone Magazine— raise awareness within the natural stone industry and in the design community for best practices and uses of natural stone. Learn more at
Fantasy brown contains marble AND sometimes quartzite. Treat Fantasy Brown and care for it like it is marble, and you’ll be very happy together.