Page 11 - Demo
P. 11

Grande Pinnacle
    Slippery rock GAzette
Grand Pinnacle Award
April 2020|11
    7 Bryant Park
New York, New York
The carefully detailed stone-clad lobby of 7 Bryant Park is the result of an extraordi- nary effort by the design team to procure exactly the right materials and achieve the highest level of craftsmanship.
A thirty-story speculative office building at the south- west corner of Manhattan’s Bryant Park, the tower makes the most of its prox- imity to an important green space with a sculpted fa- cade overlooking the park and a generous public space at ground level. The defin- ing element of the design is a pair of mirrored conical forms carved out within the rectangular massing of the tower at the corner diago- nally opposite the park.
The conical motif is re- peated in the ground floor entry lobby through the
arrangement and detailing of the stone elements. Mocha Crème limestone is used for the walls and Moleanos limestone for the floors, with accents of Calacatta Caldia marble and Jet Mist granite. Limestone was cho- sen as the primary stone for its warmth, richness, and light tone, with the more richly grained white marble and black granite adding contrast to the palette.
On the floor, the triangular
contour of the cones is rep- resented by contrasting panels of white marble with black granite accents against a field of beige Moleanos limestone.
On the walls, the motif is represented by shallow con- ical recesses in the Mocha Crème limestone. Oversize cubic stone panels were individually carved with a CNC router, then assembled on-site over a sloped struc- tural steel frame. To create
the illusion of cones carved out of a continuous flat wall, a close visual match between the thicker carved slabs and the adjacent flat slab panels was essential.
Finally, for the elevator lobbies, Calacatta Caldia marble, with a bright-white background and light vein- ing, was chosen to provide balance and brighten the palette.
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Natural Stone Institute Member Company
Pei Cobb Freed & Partners New York, New York Architect
Other Project Team Members Marmi e Graniti d’Italia
Stone Supplier
Stone Truss Systems
Stone Installer
Mocha Crème limestone Moleanos limestone Calacatta Caldia marble Jet Mist granite
Judges Comments:
Executed with pinpoint precision, this extremely innovative, well detailed lobby delighted the jury, who also loved how the conical wall motifs and the triangular floor panels meet “on point.” They ad- mired how the concave curve of the limestone panels reflects the mirrored conical motif within the exterior façade. The project exhibits superior stock control in unforgiving lighting conditions – showcasing texture and craftsmanship.

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