Facing inclement winter weather in your neck of the woods?  Make your job a whole lot easier by using tools designed to overcome some of the challenges that come about this time of year.  Omni Cubed’s all-terrain Pro-Carts (available in two models: AT1 and AT2) will help you get those precious countertops across treacherous driveways and landscapes – even in the rain and snow. The carts clamp to stone so you can pop wheelies over curbs and stairs, while maneuvering your way around challenging jobsites with ease.

Can’t get there with a cart?  Beat the slippery stone blues with carry clamps that are specifically designed to handle wet stone: Omni Cubed’s Aqua-Jaw™ Carry Vise™.  These are the only all-weather carry clamp that won’t slip off wet stone.  Aqua-Jaws also happen to be the highest capacity clamps on the market, capable of handling up to 800 lbs. per pair, and will even stay attached when going up stairs.

What do you do when you have an install scheduled in bad weather? You can’t afford to give up or go home. There’s no snow days with Omni Cubed!

Don’t get stuck in a rut this season… Brave the treacherous winter weather with the right tools for the job – available now at www.Braxton-Bragg.com. Learn more about these and other Omni Cubed products at www.omnicubed.com.